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How do you feel about parents putting leashes on their young children?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » How do you feel about parents putting leashes on their young children?
How do you feel about parents putting leashes on their young children

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Are you speaking literally or figuratively?
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Z6980 posted...
Are you speaking literally or figuratively?

I just met you / And this is crazy / If you're interested in collusion / Call me maybe?

Buy a damn stroller
RIP in peace Junpei 6/1/17 :(
Can't say I have a issue with it if it's for safety reasons. Although holding their hand would be better as you're in control more.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
I was on a harness when I was two (for safety reasons). I don't even remember it and I'm okay with the idea.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
mastermix3000 posted...

Buy a damn stroller

Strollers are for people younger than one with a leash.
I just met you / And this is crazy / If you're interested in collusion / Call me maybe?
Ah this reminds me of the SNL skit with Nicole Kidman and Mike Myers.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.
McSame_as_Bush posted...

I had one as a kid because I figured out that if you got lost and went up to a service desk/attendant they would give you lollies while they found your parents so I exploited this heavily until my mum was forced to tie me up. I stopped doing it and the harness/leash went away.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
I've heard people defend it as a freer alternative to hand holding. And that makes sense.

But it looks fucking ridiculous
If it keeps their kids from becoming the problem of someone else I'm all for it.
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inb4 harambe
Montreal Expos (1969-2004) Now playing: Final Fantasy VIII (PS1) -- started 7/9/2017
Keep in mind by "leash" that usually means a harness w a leash to keep them fro. Running out into traffick or an arm leash that fastens around their wrist.

Now- most people imagine a dog gcollar contraption that fastens around the neck. Which is properly referred to as a "choke chain" used also to "correct the dog". I'm sure TC meant what I said In the paragraph above related to the harness or arm wrap.

My answer to this topic was predicated on The idea that the tc meant the more traditional dog leash (aka choke chain), to which I am in full support of.
"there is a real human centipede situation happening in the men's room" - Hon Ruth bader Ginsberg.
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It's lazy parenting. Be a better parent.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
That's messed up and lazy parenting to boot. Spanking is far better than this, putting a leash on a kid is as bad as beating them.
"In the name of the future moon I shall punish you"-Chibi Moon
Hop103 posted...
That's messed up and lazy parenting to boot. Spanking is far better than this, putting a leash on a kid is as bad as beating them.

What about putting a leash on a adult?
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
wwinterj25 posted...
Hop103 posted...
That's messed up and lazy parenting to boot. Spanking is far better than this, putting a leash on a kid is as bad as beating them.

What about putting a leash on a adult?

That's not my thing. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
"In the name of the future moon I shall punish you"-Chibi Moon
I considered one for my son when he was much younger. In the end, we never got one because I never felt like he needed one.

Every kid is different though. If other parents use it for safety reasons, that's fine with me.

Bligh_with_no_T posted...
I've heard people defend it as a freer alternative to hand holding. And that makes sense.

But it looks fucking ridiculous

Some look better than others. We recently went to the fair, and my son (now five) saw two kids wearing colorful spiral-type leashes. He pointed and proclaimed, "I want one!" LOL He didn't know what it was. He just saw something fun and colorful looking.
Not neck-based leashes - I could see neck injuries/whiplash happening very easily from that.

Now if it attached around the torso I'd be okay with it.
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Some little brats genuinely need to be kept on a choke chain, but since we can't do that a body harness will have to do.
"I'm the straightest guy on this board. I'm so straight that I watch gay porn." - Smarkil
KJ StErOiDs posted...
Not neck-based leashes - I could see neck injuries/whiplash happening very easily from that.

Now if it attached around the torso I'd be okay with it.

Ick. I've never seen that type. I've seen around the torso or on the wrist. The first ones I saw were around the waist, but I haven't seen that in many years.
I think it's pathetic. It says more about the parents and our society than it does anything else.
Depends, can we put leashes on the moms?

Female PoTDers that swing that way can put them on the dads too of course, all about gender equality in my sex slave posts!!

I mean, if you leash your kids, are you training them early to get into BDSM eventually?
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I don't see the problem; kids that young like to pretend to be dogs anyway. So present the leash like it's part of their game.

Kid grows up to be a furry? Good; that's where the money is if they're an artist.
I'm opposed to it and I think it wouldn't be needed if they spanked their children like our parents did to us.
"When we die we go bye bye."
-Abe Lincolns
Oh the little harnesses? I used to be totally against it, but when my kid was a toddler and constantly tried to wander off, no matter what I said, I finally caved and got her a cute little animal plushy one. As long as you aren't yanking or dragging them and have a stroller ready for when the little tots are tired, it's fine. It was really helpful when we went to Knott's Berry Farm and Universal Studios.

Contrary to popular belief You cannot watch them every minute and not every child is obedient or super understanding at that age.
I'm a chick
Spare the leash, spoil the child........ or was that "spare the lash"? With some hyperactve kids this might be the only way to keep a handle on them and that is important for their safety but not sure if something I would do to my kids because it is a little weird
Justice for Freddie
If it's for safety reasons, I don't see the problem. It's not something I'd do myself, though.

Oh, and I can't say I recall the last time I've seen a kid on a leash... - My advice for surviving college and writing academically - My YouTube channel
Poll of the Day » How do you feel about parents putting leashes on their young children?