18 y/o Kid at the KKK March had to DROP OUT at Uni after getting DEATH THREATS!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » 18 y/o Kid at the KKK March had to DROP OUT at Uni after getting DEATH THREATS!
Is uneducated Nicholas a Racist?

18 y/o Racist, Nicholas Fuentes had to WITHDRAW from Boston University after he got DEATH THREATS for participating in the White Nationalist Rally in Virginia!!

He said he got 15 "menacing" messages through email and social media as he's had to delete his social media presence

He's a die hard Trump supporter and online TV host for Right Side Broadcasting Network and said he considered leaving Boston U in January after protests in the city followed the inauguration

But now the freshman who last year made headlines for stating "multiculturism is cancer" is now no longer a student at the university after he withdraw to avoid backlash

He said "It's becoming verry dangerous" being in an area in a overhwlmingly left-leaning Massachusetts

He flew from Chciago to attend the Unite the Right rally that drew Neo-Nazis, white nationalists and the KKK that left 32 yo Heather Heyer killed after a 20 y/o whacko ran his car into counter protesters

Nicholas said the incident was a "tragedy" but blamed the violent "alt-left" protesters stated by Trump and praised him for blaming them for STARTING the fight!!. He wrote on his FB "The rootless transnational elite knows that a tidal wave of white identity is coing. And they know that once the word gets out, they will not stop us. The fire rises!"

The ex-college student said Trump's comments were perfectly aligned with the alt-right because "they were intentionall ambiguous to go along with Washington's speech codes, yet still managed to condemn the violent left"

Nicholas said he never advocated violence and is NOT a racist but said he protested against "immigration, multiculturism and post-modernism". He said they were not about replacing white people but said "We can talk about black pride, Latino pride and gay pride all day long but talk about white pride, or pride in European heritage, and you're suddenly an apologist for Adolf Hitler and the KKK. Enough is Enough, i'm sick of being asked to condemn or apologize for racism every 15 minutes for being born white."

The crybaby has yet to to announce if he will ever return to university

Do you think uneducated Nicholas is Racist? let's see what people think.

Nick - Racist




call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
if he was a woman everyone would be supporting him cause feminism.
He said that multiculturalism is cancer and attended the white nationalist Nazi rally. Objectively he is racist. This isn't even a question.
Nade Duck posted...
if he was a woman everyone would be supporting him cause feminism.

If he was a woman he'd probably hate feminism. Actually he probably.. no, definitely already hates feminism.

Scratch that, if he was a woman there's like a 97% chance he wouldn't go to a white nationalist rally just judging by the utter albino sausage party that march was.

I'm just being realistic tbh.
It wasnt a kkk march or a White Nationalist Rally, because otherwise it wouldnt have been approved.

Permission was received and a permit was given for a protest against the removal of the confederate statue.

>Permission wouldnt have been given if the intended purpose was for a KKK march.
Poll of the Day » 18 y/o Kid at the KKK March had to DROP OUT at Uni after getting DEATH THREATS!