Former LIBERAL turned NAZI who was FIRED says he has NO REGRETS Marching!!!

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Poll of the Day » Former LIBERAL turned NAZI who was FIRED says he has NO REGRETS Marching!!!
If you were an employer, Would you ever hire someone who goes to Alt-Right/KKK /White Supremacist Rallies?

28 y/o White Supremacist, Ryan Roy is out of a Job after he was FIRED when he was filmed at a white nationalisty rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that left 1 woman dead..and he says he has NO REGRETS!!

He was filmed by Vice News for participating in a demonstration that was organized over the removal of Confederate Statue, Robert E Lee as it shows Ryan holding a torch and chanting white supremacist mantra "Whose Streets? Our Streets"

Social media users swiftly identified him as a participant of the march

Uno Pizzeria and Grill in Vermont took action and sacked him from his position as a cook

Skip Weldon, chief marketing officeer for Boston based Uno confirmed that he was "terminated" as an employee. He said "We are committed to the fair treatment of all people and the safety of our guests and employees at our restaurants"

But Ryan was unapologetic about his views and said "There's nothing wrong with white people standing up for their own interest and identity"

He wasn't surprised that he was ousted on social media stating that the "liberal left" was typical of this type of reaction and looks to destroy those who don't agree with their "politically correct" views. He said "I think it kind of just proves my point, proves a lot of what i think, not that i needed further proof. I think it's a group think. The left in this country is trying to destroy white culture and white heritage and American heritage, because history doesnt fit their politically correct scenario"

He said in high he was a DIE HARD LIBERAL but took a dramatic turn into a white supremacist ideology following graduation.

Sam Wormer, who was friends with him in high school said he lost touch with him 2 years ago and was shocked to see him at the rally. He said "He would attend anti-war rallies. he was very left, like anti-Republican, very progressive, very liberal, very anti-Christian"

But Ryan has since changed and said he now sees what the liberals are doing to america by making it "multi-cultural" and he as a white man will not allow "outsiders' take over the country and says Donald Trump sees that as well. Ryan says people who want to become America should ASSIMILATE, not the other way around...

Would you ever hire someone who attended the Alt-Right/White Supremacist/KKK March?.

Ryan - Now styling his hair with a toilet brush

Uno Pizzeria Response -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Full Throttle posted...

Uno Pizzeria and Grill in Vermont took action and sacked him from his position as a cook

At least he didn't lose much.

Full Throttle posted...
Skip Weldon, chief marketing officeer for Boston based Uno confirmed that he was "terminated" as an employee. He said "We are committed to the fair treatment of all people and the safety of our guests and employees at our restaurants"

I can see it as a PR move, but clearly there were no safety or treatment issues.

Full Throttle posted...
He wasn't surprised that he was ousted on social media stating that the "liberal left" was typical of this type of reaction and looks to destroy those who don't agree with their "politically correct" views.

Pretty much what they do.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Full Throttle posted...

"White Taliban" Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Ignore when people say that the title length is not important, that a title should just convey what the game is about. They're just jealous theirs isn't as long
Poll of the Day » Former LIBERAL turned NAZI who was FIRED says he has NO REGRETS Marching!!!