Do you beleive there is a god?

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Do you beleive there is a god?
Do you?

"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
I believe in the me that believes in myself.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
I believe in the me that believes in myself.

wow that's deep dude, how do you do it?
"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
I have a strong hunch that some kind of creator exists but I don't think it's any of the gods worshipped on earth
I believe in no god, no invisible man in the sky. - Andrew Ryan
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
who is andrew ryan?
"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
Zikten posted...
I have a strong hunch that some kind of creator exists but I don't think it's any of the gods worshipped on earth

I don't care if one exists or not, I doubt any religion on earth has it right, so why bother practicing something you know is wrong. And if a religion is right and I am going to hell for believing in it then god is a dick who doesn't' deserve worship.
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
I'm Buddhist and we're more or less agnostic. Hell, I don't why we're considered a religion, we don't pray to any deity or not all sects believe in reincarnation or afterlife. Anyway, I think a being or beings on another plane of existence is possible.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
Do I believe that it exist something out there that can do stuff that could explain some of the stuff that Gods are claimed to do in religious scripts? Yes.
Do I believe in Gods as they are portraited in religious scripts? No.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
There's no god. Peeps get hard on the idea somebody's excusing em for treatin the planet like hot garbage.
Official nosy neighbor and gossip
If there is one, the people who insist it exists have been doing a rubbish job of presenting a convincing case for it. It seems like the mean of religious history is "Our god did everything for us, is the wisest, strongest, and has the biggest dick in the universe so you must drop your empty lifestyle and worship our god." Frankly I find conversion and religious enforcement to be a thinly veiled human power struggle.

I honestly doubt there is a creator, certainly in the questionably detailed manner that monotheists insist their god is.
Load the Spaceship with the rocket fuel, LOAD IT WITH THE WORDS!
R.I.P. Ultimate Warrior 4/8/2014
On another note, my mentor and I were talking about this earlier today. Why do some folks need a deity, his/her/it's prophet, or the teachings to dictate how one should lives one life or behave? Why do some folks need these "rules" for them to know how to behave in life? Certain basic right and wrong doesn't come naturally but at some point in our adult lives shouldn't we know these already? Do we really need to know beyond these basic right and wrong stuff to be good human beings?
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
there's not a single piece of convincing evidence of any god existing in all of history
Rudy sucks
Foppe posted...
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.

yeah i kinda agree with this
"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
Foppe posted...
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.

How so? Is it due to our curiosity/fear of the unknown? That no matter how much science can explain anything, human beings will continue to wonder about the stuff science cannot explain?
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
InfestedAdam posted...
Foppe posted...
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.

How so? Is it due to our curiosity/fear of the unknown? That no matter how much science can explain anything, human beings will continue to wonder about the stuff science cannot explain?

i think it's just that it's tough to comprehend not existing, doesn't everybody have people they care about? It's just too much to fathom
"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
One day I was religious. Then I Googled "evidence for god". The next day I was not.

The only proof I found was proof of WEIRD INCONSISTENCIES and conveyed LOUDNESS in EXTREMELY BASIC HTML!!!! My brothers and SISTERS!!!
UT1999 posted...
i think it's just that it's tough to comprehend not existing, doesn't everybody have people they care about? It's just too much to fathom

Interesting. The way I kinda see it, the life that we truly know anything about is the life that we have right now. Instead of striving to live a good life now some folks seem too focus on whatever life they are suppose to have later.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
InfestedAdam posted...
Foppe posted...
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.

How so? Is it due to our curiosity/fear of the unknown? That no matter how much science can explain anything, human beings will continue to wonder about the stuff science cannot explain?

There was an article in some scientific magazines 8 years or so ago that went deep into it, I think the basics were that believing in a God made us gathering in groups that raised the probability to survive.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Foppe posted...
InfestedAdam posted...
Foppe posted...
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.

How so? Is it due to our curiosity/fear of the unknown? That no matter how much science can explain anything, human beings will continue to wonder about the stuff science cannot explain?

There was an article in some scientific magazines 8 years or so ago that went deep into it, I think the basics were that believing in a God made us gathering in groups that raised the probability to survive.

yeah i also kinda read the same stuff in some scientific magazines years back and it said similar to what you say
"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
There is zero evidence for a god. ThAts all I'll say.

I can't and won't speak in absolutes because that's as bad as claiming their is s god.

If these evangelical nutjobs can produce scientific evidence that a god exists I would have to consider it. Just like unicorns or the existsnce of dr Manhattan. Prove it!
"there is a real human centipede situation happening in the men's room" - Hon Ruth bader Ginsberg.
UT1999 posted...
andrew ryan

From Bioshock.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
There's some sort of divine force beyond human understanding, but all historical depictions of a God are bullshit.
It's okay, I have no idea who I am either.
No, in my mind, belief in a divine force is wishful thinking. One whose origins and concepts were used as a crutch to explain what was the unexplainable at the time; like the melange of other deities.
And I'm wholly content with the idea there's plenty of existential concepts I will never grasp, rather than tell myself a god on another dimensional plane gave us the ultimate answer; constant worship.
PotDs UnOfficial President and Official Sheldon Cooper
God is dead.
-- Nietzsche

Nietzsche is dead.
-- God

Nietzsche is God.
-- The Dead

cuteness ^.^
Zeus posted...
I believe in the me that believes in myself.

Gurren lagann reference?

I don't believe there's one (definitely not a benevolent one at least) but of course I can't say that with certainty. I think the true nature of the universe is too freaky for a creator to come up with. I believe that there are infinitely many parallel universes though and all possible events are happening all at once and what kinda fucked up mind would invent a place like that
Having actually seen an actual fucking ghost and been haunted briefly, I know there is far far more to this existence than what we can see and measure.

So... maybe? Honestly the only idiots are the ones who say "it's impossible." And dismiss it outright.
inventor of the CHILL raid run.
vhiran posted...
Having actually seen an actual fucking ghost and been haunted briefly , I know there is far far more to this existence than what we can see and measure.

So... maybe? Honestly the only idiots are the ones who say "it's impossible." And dismiss it outright.

no proof
I wish there were more options/nuance in these options.

I'm not ABSOLUTELY certain that there isn't one, but to simply say that I don't think there is one is too light. I'm very much convinced that there isn't one, and would place the probability at something like .0000000000001, but I technically can't deny the possiblity.
People who don't believe in God frighten me. They basically think there's no accountability for their actions and if you can get away with evil, there's no one to judge them.
minervo posted...
People who don't believe in God frighten me. They basically think there's no accountability for their actions and if you can get away with evil, there's no one to judge them.

Whatup, Steve Harvey?
It's okay, I have no idea who I am either.
Is there a magic man in the sky ruling over everything? Probably not. Are there omnipresent forces that govern the world? Demonstrably so. Is there reason to believe that such forces exist in capacities that can't easily be measured or predicted, such as governing human interactions? I'd say so, and I look at most religions as attempting to describe those less-measurable forces and advise people on how to work their lives around them. In an abstractly spiritual sense, I believe in a god, but my general sense is that personifying those forces just makes it easier for people to explore them, rather than actually having some divine being governing us.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Foppe posted...
The human brain is programmed to believe in a God.

So....who programmed it?
minervo posted...
People who don't believe in God frighten me. They basically think there's no accountability for their actions and if you can get away with evil, there's no one to judge them.

What the... I try to be good and nice to others because of common decency. I didn't think everyone else was only doing it to appease a magic man in the clouds.
minervo posted...
People who don't believe in God frighten me. They basically think there's no accountability for their actions and if you can get away with evil, there's no one to judge them.

I see it from a different perspective, that some folks behave only because of said deity/deities possibly watching over them and the possible reward/punishment for their behaviors.

Like impatientperson stated, some of us try to be good and respectful of others simply because it is the right thing to do. We do not need these "rules" from a holy scripture or fear of eternal damnation to encourage us to behave well.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
minervo posted...
People who don't believe in God frighten me. They basically think there's no accountability for their actions and if you can get away with evil, there's no one to judge them.

Official nosy neighbor and gossip
I think there is a set of forces in the universe that govern humanity, and for simplicity we tend to group those forces together into a singular entity, or a "god." What those forces exactly are tend to depend on who you ask. But in Judaism, we have tikkun olam -- basically, striving to make the world a better place. Most of them boil down like that to just basically not being a bad person.
I don't believe in God or anything similar, with all the bad things in the world I find the idea of an all knowing, all loving, all powerful creator laughable. If the universe is truly infinite there's a mathematical chance that I'm wrong and if God is real I like to imagine he's exactly Q from Star Trek
Action53 posted...
I don't believe in God or anything similar, with all the bad things in the world I find the idea of an all knowing, all loving, all powerful creator laughable. If the universe is truly infinite there's a mathematical chance that I'm wrong and if God is real I like to imagine he's exactly Q from Star Trek

We need a fanfic with Q an Picard kiss. That chemistry yo.
Official nosy neighbor and gossip
Thousands of gods have been created and worshiped by men and used to explain away something people didn't understand about the Earth/Sun/universe and how it/they worked.
Earthquake? God is displeased.
Flood? God is pissed.
Drought? God is upset.
Your army defeated the enemy? God clearly favored your side over those heathens!
Yet not one deity has been proven to be the "one, true god", much less proven to even exist beyond a reasonable doubt.
Fall down, go boom...
Life is like a box of chocolates. Most of it is crap.
I'm confident God exists. However, having a constructive conversation about religion online is... difficult. - My advice for surviving college and writing academically - My YouTube channel
Tails 64 posted...
I'm confident God exists. However, having a constructive conversation about religion online is... difficult.

Having a constructive conversation about religion is impossible because it's impossible to back up a self-contradicting religion with irrefutable evidence and facts.
Fall down, go boom...
Life is like a box of chocolates. Most of it is crap.
I'm agnostic and I even lost a date because this girl didn't like that I didn't believe in god.

If there is a god, is not a bearded man watching every step and listening to our prayers, I see it more as a cosmic force or something that surrounds everything, something we can see, and no, there's no proof of that or maybe I'm thinking too much in Star Wars lol
Been here for so long
Hunter_mk posted...
I'm agnostic and I even lost a date because this girl didn't like that I didn't believe in god.

If there is a god, is not a bearded man watching every step and listening to our prayers, I see it more as a cosmic force or something that surrounds everything, something we can see, and no, there's no proof of that or maybe I'm thinking too much in Star Wars lol

You underestimate the power of the Dark Side.
Fall down, go boom...
Life is like a box of chocolates. Most of it is crap.
adjl posted...
Is there a magic man in the sky ruling over everything? Probably not. Are there omnipresent forces that govern the world? Demonstrably so . Is there reason to believe that such forces exist in capacities that can't easily be measured or predicted, such as governing human interactions? I'd say so, and I look at most religions as attempting to describe those less-measurable forces and advise people on how to work their lives around them. In an abstractly spiritual sense, I believe in a god, but my general sense is that personifying those forces just makes it easier for people to explore them, rather than actually having some divine being governing us.

please get a dictionary
Krazy_Kirby posted...
adjl posted...
Is there a magic man in the sky ruling over everything? Probably not. Are there omnipresent forces that govern the world? Demonstrably so . Is there reason to believe that such forces exist in capacities that can't easily be measured or predicted, such as governing human interactions? I'd say so, and I look at most religions as attempting to describe those less-measurable forces and advise people on how to work their lives around them. In an abstractly spiritual sense, I believe in a god, but my general sense is that personifying those forces just makes it easier for people to explore them, rather than actually having some divine being governing us.

please get a dictionary

What, never heard of Universal Gravitation?
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
Post #49 was unavailable or deleted.
God? You mean me?? Then, yes... I believe in God.
Otherwise, no.
F/GO = 48h00min, Master Lv60 ~ 60 Jeanne, 60 Altera, 55 Emiya, 50 Lancelot.
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Poll of the Day » Do you beleive there is a god?
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