Facebook, Instagram, OKCupid AND Paypal are BANNING ALT-RIGHT USERS!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Facebook, Instagram, OKCupid AND Paypal are BANNING ALT-RIGHT USERS!!!
Do you support the banning of these racist jerks?

Facebook AND OkCupid have BANNED Nazi Wannabeast, Chris Cantwell from their websites after he spewed his racist views to a Vice Documentary!!

Cantwell was last seen wiping away tears and sobbing over the possibility of a warrant out for his arrest and his fears were indeed real as the police want his big bald hide in!!

Okcupid announced form their twitter to ban him and said "There is no room for hate in a place where you're looking for love"

The site is also asking users to report ANYONE who appears to be involved in a hate group as CEO Elie Seidman said "OkCupid has zero tolerance for racism. We make a lot of decisions every day that are rough. Bnning Christopher Cantwell was not one of them"

Cantwell was spewing vile attacks against non-white people in the documentary, especially toward Ivanka's husband, Jared Kushner for being Jewish. He said his "ideal" leader would be a lot more racist than Donald Trump but that he was the BEST they've had in awhile

Facebook and Instagram were up next to ban white nationalists who attended the rally and are 86'ing their accounts.

Facebook spokeswoman Ruchika Budhraja said the profiles pages of Cantwell had been removed as well his the page to his podcast.

Facebook also owns Instagram and also removed EIGHT pages connected to the white nationalist movement as they were violations of the companies policies on hate speech organizations

The 36 y/o chubby was a former technology worker who moved to New Hampshire and describes himself as a white nationalist who voted for Trump and called for a Radical Agenda.

Chris says his banning was the websites "silencing" him on his views and said that PAYPAL has also banned him but have not commented why as they have a policy of not commenting on the statues of people's accounts..

He said "I'm not surprised by almost any of this because the whole thing we are complaining about here is that we are trying to express our views and everything is going through extraordinary lengths to make sure we are not heard. Frankly, whatever you think of my views, that is very scar to me. FB and Instagram is one thing but not being able to participate in the financial system because of your political opiions is something that, people should worry about in America"

Christopher - Banned Racist Baby




Mark Zuckerberg -

call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
I don't like censorship period.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif
While the idea sounds a bit ridiculous, if you're being openly racist in your profile it seems not too far fetched to be banned from a website like those.
RSN: Pridefc
PSN: Jaosin
But what if I want little racist babies?
Fuck nazis.
if you think they'll stop censoring here then you're probably 9 years old
inventor of the CHILL raid run.
Poll of the Day » Facebook, Instagram, OKCupid AND Paypal are BANNING ALT-RIGHT USERS!!!