What would TERRIFY you more?: Cat 5 Hurricane, F5 Tornado or 10.0 Earthquake???

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » What would TERRIFY you more?: Cat 5 Hurricane, F5 Tornado or 10.0 Earthquake???
I'd be terrified most from a...

let's see what natural disaster at its worst people would be more terrified of....

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Hurricane and tornado can be pretty awful, but an actual 10.0 earthquake would be so enormously catastrophic that it doesn't even compare.
"I mean, even the buffest gym bro can't work out his eyeballs, right? They're all equally squishy!" - Mia, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Earthquake, given that I live on the pacific coast and can see a mountain that's actually an active volcano from my balcony.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Earthquake more than likely.
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tornado. i've survived many hurricanes to the point I don't even give them a second thought. and as my teacher once told me. earthquakes don't kill people. man made buildings that fall apart during a earthquake kills people. in other words get outside and away from things that may fall on you.
Cid- "looks like that overgrown lobster just got served!" Bartz-"with cheese biscuts AND mashed potatoes!"
I think hurricanes and earthquakes are the easiest to underestimate. Tornadoes look flashy and ferocious but might wreck a few blocks.

Hurricanes look like some extra heavy rain to people and they treat them like some false fire alarm malfunction.
The Richter scale is logarthmic so I'm going to go with that


10.0 would be unimaginably destructive
The only one I've causally been in was a tornado. It was in its final push, so not full strength, when it got to my town. I remember the air pressure being weird and what seemed like every bit of dirt of the ground hovering in the air. It was hard to see and breathe. It wasn't supposed to move so far west, so my dad and I had actually gone to the store and were walking home when we saw it. My dad has always been in great shape, and being that was about 9 or 10, he threw me over his shoulder and ran home at full speed.

Then I moved to the west coast, and had a teacher (who never lived where I did) call BS that there were tornadoes where I'd lived. She also "corrected" my "etc." to "ect." in grade 10 English, so....
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
A hurricane can be predicted, on some level anyways. A tornado is some what isolated.

A 10.0 Earthquake? Not only would the damage be immense (depending on location of course) but the scale would be as well.
EightySeven posted...
The Richter scale is logarthmic so I'm going to go with that


10.0 would be unimaginably destructive

According to that scale, a 10.0 would have peak vertical ground movement of 10 kilometres .

For context, that would be the ground leaping over a kilometre over mount Everest.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
I didn't see anyone mention it, but earthquakes are a common cause of tsunamis ( or so I've read ). Looking behind the initial event, earthquakes could cause, by comparison, a greater secondary effect. It's been forever, but I think there was a hypothetical situation in regards to 10.0 earthquakes presented on the history channel at some point.
If a wizard turns me into Dawn then I would sooo touch myself every single night. ~ SoulGainDestiny
A 10.0 earthquake no contest lol
RIP in peace Junpei 6/1/17 :(
For the hurricane you get enough warning to evacuate. For tornadoes you are relatively safe if you can get underground. For earthquakes there is no warning and very few safe places.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.
A 10.0 earthquake would be unimaginably destructive and would likely trigger several other catastrophic events like tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.
A 10.0 earthquake would be so devastating that most of the world would likely be feeling the effects of it in one way or another.
I felt like I was watching a dream I'd never wake up from... Before I knew it, the dream was all over.

With a tornado, you can hide underground. With a hurricane, you can kinda secure an area although it's a lot harder because you also have to deal with water. With an earthquake, you can't do much of anything. And a 10.0 EQ would be so devastating as to... well, the damage is almost incomprehensible.
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Earthquake, but where I live we only get tornadoes and those are very rare and usually small. There's been more it the past few years though, but they die out quickly because there's a lot of hills.
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Poll of the Day » What would TERRIFY you more?: Cat 5 Hurricane, F5 Tornado or 10.0 Earthquake???