Console Button Battle Royale -- Round 1: Nintendo Gamecube

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Console Button Battle Royale -- Round 1: Nintendo Gamecube
What's your favorite button on the controller of the Gamecube?

Welcome to the Console Button Battle Royale! I am bored as f*** and it's snowing outside so we're doing this.

Vote on your favorite button for the console of the round (Gamecube today). At the end, the top buttons (or top 2) from each console will be put into the ring together to fight it out for the Best Console Controller Button of ALL TIME . Some controllers will have more than 10 buttons, which is the amount of poll options allowed, so I will be eliminating a few that I think will not be popular.

Be sure to mention any console you might want to be next in the next round (this won't be a daily thing I imagine it will take a long time). Any generation.

Its good to be alive
Start as it gets me into the gameplay quicker.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
wwinterj25 posted...
Start as it gets me into the gameplay quicker.

More often than not it's used to take you away from gameplay tho
Its good to be alive
Boobsicle posted...
More often than not it's used to take you away from gameplay tho

That's a good thing too as I need to pause while I poop.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
i should have selected "z". i forgot it made the startup sound different.
Loved the R trigger.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Since when are sticks buttons
"I've never in my life wanted to punch a girl like I want to right now" - Light Yagami
NNID: LLBCrook - PSN: ZBugCrook
Its good to be alive
Man this is tough. Gamecube controller was awesome.
Action / Jump A
Reload B
C stick-Switch weapons
L/R-Manual Aim and Shoot

If they ever release Smash Bros Melee HD, they better sell gamecube style controllers.
"It's one of those things that just happens when idealism begins to viciously bludgeon realism." - Questionmarktarius
I kind of liked the feedback of the triggers. They felt really good.
Stupid signature!
None, I never liked the Gamecube controller all that much. It was better than the horrible 64 controller though.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
Its good to be alive

Its real big
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
ZBug_ posted...
Since when are sticks buttons

Since the PS2, I believe. Unless the PS1's dual shock did it as well.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
C-stick, because I could use it to make Link conduct furiously with his little wand, like Bugs Bunny in that cartoon where he's conducting an orchestra

And yes, the PS1 analog sticks were clickable, but very few games used R3 and L3
A button placement was immaculate, really wish people would expiriment more with non symetrical controllers, shame it lacked twin sticks but for a lot of control schemes it was amazing, and still unsurpassed triggers
Poll of the Day » Console Button Battle Royale -- Round 1: Nintendo Gamecube