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Are you generally pro life or pro choice?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Are you generally pro life or pro choice?
Which are you generally speaking?

And abortion on demand or maybe only in cases of rape etc
"Sometimes they even attack wounded foxes"
Pro choice.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
Pro-choice generally, but I can understand why people would be pro-life.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
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I'm making the choice to get a vasectomy.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I'm pro-choice for a woman's whole pregnancy. Maybe for some period of time after a baby is born, you could put that baby "to sleep" without him or her fearing death, which is what in other people I empathize most with. However, I worry that if a society starts allowing babies outside the womb to be killed, that society will be tempted to keep raising the age at which humans gain protection from being killed until, say, five-year-old kids are allowed to be killed. The line between inside and outside a woman's body is at least a pretty clear line to draw.

Obviously it's best if we all do what we can to make sure a woman never gets pregnant in the first place unless she wants to be a parent, since an abortion is a somewhat significant medical procedure (though safer than giving birth, or so I've heard).
Pro-choice. Personally I think that abortion should absolutely be legal, and that shouldn't even be up for debate.

Although I can understand why people would find it unethical and be repulsed by it.
Pro-choice. You shouldn't be forced to have a kid you don't want.

OmegaM posted...
I'm pro-choice for a woman's whole pregnancy. Maybe for some period of time after a baby is born, you could put that baby "to sleep" without him or her fearing death, which is what in other people I empathize most with.

I don't agree with this though. After a certain stage of a pregnancy abortion should be off the table.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Mix of both. I find it barbaric to murder children in their womb, but it beats potentially paying child support. At the same time, it's also hard to ignore the inherent racism in abortion since groups like Planned Parenthood were set up by eugenics advocates who viewed minorities as inferior humans and saw abortion as a way to cleanse the population. Frankly, if you were a racist with money, you'd sooner donate to Planned Parenthood than the KKK because Planned Parenthood has killed more blacks, latinos, etc, than all white supremacist movements combined.

Granted, a lot of the eugenics advocates were generally scary. Margaret Sanger -- founder of Planned Parenthood -- also advocated forced sterilization. She notably believed in genetic predisposition, arguing that prisoners, delinquents, etc, shouldn't be allowed to have kids

It's also worth remembering that the eugenics movement has *very* close ties to racist groups, with some of the most deplorable fascists in history believing in it.

Zangulus posted...
If people who claim to have a problem with abortion for religious reasons were actual Christians that followed Christ’s teachings, then I wouldn’t necessarily be against pro life. But being as they don’t care what happens to the child once it’s out of the womb, and it is causing massive problems, I am severely pro choice.

lolwut? You think it's morally inconsistent that a person should be expected to take care of themselves as adults because they need to have somebody protect them as babies?
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I really don't care one way or the other.
Poll of the Day » Are you generally pro life or pro choice?