Michigan Man who RAPED a 12 y/o Girl and got her PREGNANT gets JOINT CUSTODY!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Michigan Man who RAPED a 12 y/o Girl and got her PREGNANT gets JOINT CUSTODY!!!
Do you think this jerk should be allowed to see his son??

27 y/o Rapist Jerk, Christopher Mirasolo from Michigan has been granted JOINT CUSTODY of his 8 y/o son who was conceived when he RAPED the boy's mother in 2008 when she was just 12!!

He was granted legal joint custody and parenting time after a positive paternity results confirmed he was the father...and now the victim's attorney is seeking protection for the victim and her son under the federal Rape Survivor Child Custod Act

This is the firt of its kind in Michigan, if not the United States as the victim is not named who is now 21

Rebecca Kiessling, the victim's attorney said "This is insane". The victim ssays Christopher forcibly raped and threatened to kill her 9 years ago when the attacker was 18

The victim said she and her 13 y/o sister and a friend snuck out to meet up with a boy and his older friend..it was Christopher who was that older friend that asked them if they wanted to go for a ride.

They thought they would go to McDonalds but Christopher took their phones and threw them out before driving them to Detroit to steal gas and kept the captive for 2 days in an empty house..he raped the younger sister and then released them but threatened to kill them if they told anyone what happened.

A month later, the 12 y/o became pregnant and Christopher was arrested

Kiessling said "The victim and her family were told first time sex offenders weren't sent to prison because people come out worse after they go there. Nothing has been right about this since it was originally investigated. He was never properly charged and should be sitting behind bars somewhere, but the system is victimizing my client, who was a child herself when this all happened"

Christopher could have gotten a life sentence or no less than 25 years but he was given a plea for attempted 3rd degree criminal sexual conduct and got 1 year in prison...but he didn't serve a whole year as he was let out after 6 months to care for his sick mother!!

Judge Gregory S Ross made the decision to grant custody and then gave her HOME ADDRESS and orered her to add his name to the child's birth certificate!!...and all of that was done without her CONSENT!!.

The victim said "I think this is all crazy. The police never explained anythin got me. I was receiving about $260 a month in food stamps for me and my son and health insurance for him. I guess they were trying to see how to get some money back"..The victim is not allowed to move 100 miles from her current address as well

This isn't Christopher's ONLY Rape charge either as he raped a girl between 13 and 15 but was only jailed for 4 years in 2010!!

Do you think this jerk should be allowed to see his son??

Christopher - Rapist


Judge Greg Ross - Gave Custody

Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Well, just tell him from an early age that dad is a rapist and raise him to hate him. Then one day he might even kill him. Itd be poetic.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
mrduckbear posted...
Do you think this jerk should be allowed to see his son?

I'm all for a kid having both parents in their life however in this situation this waste of life gave up any rights he has as a farther due to physically forcing himself on a kid. I question why he has the right to his own life never-mind about the one he created.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif
This is why radical feminists believe men get treated better in custody cases; backwards, batshit places that spit on the spirit of the law for no fucking reason.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
mrduckbear posted...
A month later, the 12 y/o became pregnant and Christopher was arrested

So he is not the father?
Official Teetotaller of PotD
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!
Not only should he not be allowed to see the kid, the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?
I imagine that law is going to get amended in short order.

Otherwise, while we're focused on the parents -- the girl who shouldn't have to endure this and the man who absolutely shouldn't have any right to his son -- a child *does* have some right to their parents and he may suffer from being deprived. Granted, those visits *need* to be supervised to limit any corrosive moral influence.

Kyuubi4269 posted...
This is why radical feminists believe men get treated better in custody cases;

I'm fairly certain none actually believe that for a second and just claim it to advance their agendas.

mrduckbear posted...
Kiessling said "The victim and her family were told first time sex offenders weren't sent to prison because people come out worse after they go there. Nothing has been right about this since it was originally investigated. He was never properly charged and should be sitting behind bars somewhere, but the system is victimizing my client, who was a child herself when this all happened"

Somehow this doesn't seem like a first-offense leniency sort of case.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The kid is a rape baby, what do you think I mean?
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Everything about that guy sucks

Basically just make him and people like him work a chain gang for the rest of his life and send whatever money made from his labors to the victim. Also feed him bad food forever and even sprinkle a little dirt into it sometimes, because seriously fuck him.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

Not necessarily trolling. I imagine a fair bit of people would share that view.
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

You didn't even realize Carlisle was back, ok?

Do you remember when you said you worked for the DoD, I do, ok?
DistantMemory posted...
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

Not necessarily trolling. I imagine a fair bit of people would share that view.

Forcing a child to abort thus inflicting two traumas on her? Those would be horrible people.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
DistantMemory posted...
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

Not necessarily trolling. I imagine a fair bit of people would share that view.
Also, Zeus complaining about a troll is like a sailor complaining about being on a boat but 'against her will' is a difficult issue when the victim is 12. Whoever suggested or had her carry the child to term is guilty of negligence and by forcing someone too young to deal with the consequences of this monster's actions they're only compounding the trauma she has to go through. Not to mention that from a eugenical standpoint, we don't need anyone with his DNA running around, especially with the issues that kid is going to have.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Zeus posted...
DistantMemory posted...
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

Not necessarily trolling. I imagine a fair bit of people would share that view.

Forcing a child to abort thus inflicting two traumas on her? Those would be horrible people.

Making her gestate, birth, and raise a constant reminder she was molested for 18 years is obviously the best choice for her, ok?
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
I cannot comprehend why a rape victim would ever want to give birth to a child that is just a constant reminder of the worst night of their life. Not to mention she was fucking 12! Who on earth thinks a 12 year old is capable of raising a child. 12 year olds can't even fucking take care of themselves. This world is overpopulated as is. We don't need rape babies running around adding to the problem.
Syntheticon posted...
DistantMemory posted...
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

Not necessarily trolling. I imagine a fair bit of people would share that view.
Also, Zeus complaining about a troll is like a sailor complaining about being on a boat'

I'm confused. I imagine you're trying to say that Zeus is a troll himself, but then you would have needed to say that it's like a sailor complaining about being a sailor.

Unless you mean to say that trolls in some way carry Zeus or allow him to go on functioning.
Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

When the woman is a child themselves?
IceDragon77 posted...
Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

When the woman is a child themselves?

Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Mead posted...
IceDragon77 posted...
Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

When the woman is a child themselves?

Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

But who's paying for the baby's stuff? The 12 year old? Are you saying that a 12 year old should be allowed to force their parents to take care of their rape baby? Child support isn't going to cover it.
IceDragon77 posted...
I cannot comprehend why a rape victim would ever want to give birth to a child that is just a constant reminder of the worst night of their life.

Probably because you're not a woman. And, in general, people don't always act rationally when it comes to their kids. And maybe, just maybe, she's able to see it as the one good thing which came out of an otherwise horrible experience. Plus having the child -- a person who needed her -- may have also helped to stave off suicidal thoughts.

At any rate, she's had the kid for 8 years so far -- despite countless opportunities to give it up for adoption -- so clearly she wanted it.

IceDragon77 posted...
Not to mention she was fucking 12! Who on earth thinks a 12 year old is capable of raising a child. 12 year olds can't even fucking take care of themselves.

Clearly she didn't raise him alone. And, given that she had parents involved in the decision to keep the child (who could have pushed for adoption), the child's care was always assured.

IceDragon77 posted...
This world is overpopulated as is. We don't need rape babies running around adding to the problem.

Which brings us back the first point: A girl subjected to trauma shouldn't have to suffer the additional trauma of being forced to abort.

DistantMemory posted...
Syntheticon posted...
Also, Zeus complaining about a troll is like a sailor complaining about being on a boat'

I'm confused. I imagine you're trying to say that Zeus is a troll himself, but then you would have needed to say that it's like a sailor complaining about being a sailor.

Unless you mean to say that trolls in some way carry Zeus or allow him to go on functioning.

It's a weird metaphor but I'm assuming he means that dealing with trolls is intrinsic to being on a board, as a matter of you kinda know what you're getting into.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
DistantMemory posted...
Syntheticon posted...
DistantMemory posted...
Zeus posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The troll is advocating that the mother be forced to abort, against her will.

Not necessarily trolling. I imagine a fair bit of people would share that view.
Also, Zeus complaining about a troll is like a sailor complaining about being on a boat'

I'm confused. I imagine you're trying to say that Zeus is a troll himself, but then you would have needed to say that it's like a sailor complaining about being a sailor.

Unless you mean to say that trolls in some way carry Zeus or allow him to go on functioning.
Well, as long as you're focused on what's important here lol
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Throw him in prison for life and let the convicts deal with him!
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.
Agreed, forcing her would be additionally traumatic but frankly in this case I'd have no hesitation about having her anesthetized and the procedure done the moment they found out, telling her it was precautionary or whatever she needed to hear in order for a 12yo child to make sense of the horrific thing that was done to her.
Unless you're willing to adopt her rape baby, you have no place suggesting that she could make an informed choice or that it shouldn't be done as the most humane thing for her and the child.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
IceDragon77 posted...
Mead posted...
IceDragon77 posted...
Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

When the woman is a child themselves?

Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

But who's paying for the baby's stuff? The 12 year old? Are you saying that a 12 year old should be allowed to force their parents to take care of their rape baby? Child support isn't going to cover it.

She'll need financial assitance to be sure. It is up to the parents how much they want to support her. The rest will unfortunately come from government assistance programs which come with their own set of disadvantages to a young mother. But we do not force mothers to abort a child based on their means, regardless of age. Doing so would begin a frankly frightening precedent.

If she had wanted an abortion she absolutely should have been able to have the procedure done, but no one else should be able to make that decision but her.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Mead posted...
I can't think of any situation where forcing a woman to abort a child would be appropriate. It should be up to them.

This. And I am very pro choice
Syntheticon posted...
Tezlok posted...
Syntheticon posted...
the kid really shouldn't exist for this to be an issue...

what do you mean?

The kid is a rape baby, what do you think I mean?

regardless how you think she should have handled it, she chose to keep the child. it's born now. it's fucked up to say "you should have been aborted"
Tezlok posted...
she chose to keep the child

Did she choose at 12?
ClarkDuke posted...
Tezlok posted...
she chose to keep the child

Did she choose at 12?

Poll of the Day » Michigan Man who RAPED a 12 y/o Girl and got her PREGNANT gets JOINT CUSTODY!!!