Taliban HOSTAGES thought it was a JOKE when they were told Trump was PRESIDENT!

Poll of the Day

Do you still think it's a Joke that Trump became President?

Canadian Joshua Boyle and his American wife, Caitlan Coleman were Taliban Hostages for FIVE years before they were finally rescued as the couple decied to have children while in captivity as they always planned on a big family..

They were rescued last Wednesday along with their 3 children after they were abducted in Afghanistan on a backpacking trip..their children were born in captivity and never knew anything outside of Afghanistan.

Joshua said that they wanted to have as many kids as possible since Caitlin was in her 30's and her clock was ticking..

Caitlan was already pregnant when she was abducted and after landing at Toronto airport, Joshua said that the Taliban had killed their infant daughter and rapd his wife during the years they were held...

Joshua revealed that when he was told by his captors that Donald Trump was elected president, he thought it was a JOKE and said "it didn't enter my mind that he was being serious"

The family was shuffled into 3 different prisons as the first was barbaric, the second was more comfortable while the third was filled with violence as they were separated and beaten..

After returning back to Canada to his parent's home, Joshua said it was the first "true home" that his children had ever known after finally being back in western civilization.

Pictures showed them playing with their sons in the garden and his son, Najaeshi Jonah Makepeace Boyle raided the fridge for food..

Joshua was a former call centre worker who went to Afghanistan with his pregnant wife to hel villagers deep inside Taliban controlled Afghanistan where they received no help..He was briefly married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of 15 y/o detainee Omar Khadr who received a 10 million payout from the government over torture from the military...

Do you think still think it's a Joke that Trump became President?

Joshua and his wife - Before they were captured



Joshua and his family - Free



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