This Blonde Girl gets DEATH THREATS from WHITE Men cause she ONLY likes ASIANS!

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Poll of the Day » This Blonde Girl gets DEATH THREATS from WHITE Men cause she ONLY likes ASIANS!
Do you think Holly is right?

29 y/o Holly Wolf from Canada is a Playmate of the year Model who says that she is regularly receiving verbal abuse and DEATH THREATS from WHITE MEN because she said she now ONLY dates ASIAN men and has been since she got out of college!!

She said she had only dated white men since high school and through college but when she got out she realized that white men were not for her and has since only been attracted to asian men.

But after revealing that, she has since received nothing but hate from white men who threatened to MURDER her for "betraying" her race..and some were FOLLOWERS of her on instagram!!

She said "I dated a few asian dancer friends of mine and then it kind of just went from there. I solely find asians much more attractive than white guys. I've had situations where white guys have recognized me from modelling and have tried asking me on a date. They can be really persistent until i literally have had to say, Look, you're not my type i like asian guys, don't even try. They get so angry at me. So angry. People hate. That's the thing. especially white guys. They get so angry. I've had people just call me all sorts of names after rejecting them. They just get so angry to the point where they'd call me a slut and Oh, i didn't like you anyway. Racism is still really prevalent which if ind just shocking considering how global we all are now. I just wish people would accept each other for who they are underneath. Some white men gave a superiority complex who get threatened when you don't give them the attention they think they deserve. It's disgusting".

The canadian bombshell who is also a COSPLAYER got engaged to Filipino basketball star JR Gallarza who is 25.

Do you think Holly is right?

Holly and JR -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Despite the fact that half of us white guys here, would only date Asians girls if they had the chance?
like.. asian chicks?
The most common interracial relationships is white men and asian women.
I post on Yahoo.
Before Ducky gets excited, she's only interested in SUCCESSFUL Asian men. And the kind of success he has isn't going to get her.

mrduckbear posted...
She said "I dated a few asian dancer friends of mine and then it kind of just went from there. I solely find asians much more attractive than white guys. I've had situations where white guys have recognized me from modelling and have tried asking me on a date. They can be really persistent until i literally have had to say, Look, you're not my type i like asian guys, don't even try. They get so angry at me. So angry. People hate. That's the thing. especially white guys. They get so angry. I've had people just call me all sorts of names after rejecting them. They just get so angry to the point where they'd call me a slut and Oh, i didn't like you anyway. Racism is still really prevalent which if ind just shocking considering how global we all are now. I just wish people would accept each other for who they are underneath. Some white men gave a superiority complex who get threatened when you don't give them the attention they think they deserve. It's disgusting".

Well, telling somebody you find their race unattractive can do that. Really more a matter of tact than anything, though, since you don't need to bring up race and literally any other characteristic mentioned will be less offensive in the current sociological climate.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
I turn Japanese in bed. So i should be qualified
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Zeus posted...
Before Ducky gets excited, she's only interested in SUCCESSFUL Asian men. And the kind of success he has isn't going to get her.

mrduckbear posted...
She said "I dated a few asian dancer friends of mine and then it kind of just went from there. I solely find asians much more attractive than white guys. I've had situations where white guys have recognized me from modelling and have tried asking me on a date. They can be really persistent until i literally have had to say, Look, you're not my type i like asian guys, don't even try. They get so angry at me. So angry. People hate. That's the thing. especially white guys. They get so angry. I've had people just call me all sorts of names after rejecting them. They just get so angry to the point where they'd call me a slut and Oh, i didn't like you anyway. Racism is still really prevalent which if ind just shocking considering how global we all are now. I just wish people would accept each other for who they are underneath. Some white men gave a superiority complex who get threatened when you don't give them the attention they think they deserve. It's disgusting".

Well, telling somebody you find their race unattractive can do that. Really more a matter of tact than anything, though, since you don't need to bring up race and literally any other characteristic mentioned will be less offensive in the current sociological climate.

Except she said that NOWHERE in the quote.
She says she only dates Asian men, so white men threaten to kill her... Thatll win her back!

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy now, and reminds me of those stupid assholes at Google who needed a sick day because somebody said women were emotional.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
This is pretty common with any race when someone exclusively dates outside of their own race. It sucks, but every racial group has some percentage of absolute scum in it that make all the upstanding members look bad.
Poll of the Day » This Blonde Girl gets DEATH THREATS from WHITE Men cause she ONLY likes ASIANS!