Do think there's a cure for cancer?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do think there's a cure for cancer?

Yeah I know there's lots of kind of cancer, let's just say they have some for the most common ones or whatever.
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
Cancer cells can't grow if you're dead.
Should I have a signature?
There are a bunch of cancer cures for a bunch of different types of cancer. Some other types are very difficult to treat.

Different people can have abnormally aggressive or unpredictable cancer though that can be difficult to manage with even methods that are successful for nearly everyone else. There are a lot of variables to this disease.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Wow very different question than I thought you were asking. I thought you were asking whether we think it's really possible to find a total/universal cure for cancer.

I think the idea that pharmaceutical corporations are hiding the cure for money is pretty silly. Just because they do some shady things doesn't mean they would continue to sell ineffective treatments while they had a cure. I think in general these companies sell every new drug they can. If there's going to be an ethical scandal about a cancer cure it's going to be about how much they're trying to charge for it (assuming we don't wake up and get universal healthcare by then)
aka Snoopydance
Yes, fire works 100% of the time
not yet
Of course there is. I don't believe in the myth of incurable disease.

And yes they would hide it. The food industry and pharmaceutical industry do extremely evil things all the time.
I think it could be cured one day, but I don't think they would hide the cure. The exorbitant amount of money that would be made by the company that gets the first patent is enough for me to think it would be released if ever found.
Miami Dolphins | Portland Trailblazers | San Francisco Giants
I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
marijuana bro
Prevention is the best cure, and while there is no single cancer cure, there are tons of things one can do to take preventative measures.

I don't mean to insult those who have fallen victim to cancer, before anyone jumps my shit. I hate cancer as much as the next person does. Lost my grandmother to pancreatic cancer and my mom survived a type of skin cancer (easiest to catch and beat).

Veganism, exercise, cannabis, and laughing are great ways to fight it.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
RedPixel posted...
and laughing are great ways to fight it

Please cite me the source where it says laughing can prevent cancer.
shadowsword87 posted...
RedPixel posted...
and laughing are great ways to fight it

Please cite me the source where it says laughing can prevent cancer.

blaze it!!!
shadowsword87 posted...
RedPixel posted...
and laughing are great ways to fight it

Please cite me the source where it says laughing can prevent cancer.

It's on the internet!
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
shadowsword87 posted...
RedPixel posted...
and laughing are great ways to fight it

Please cite me the source where it says laughing can prevent cancer.

No source, but if you're happy and you eat ACTUAL healthy foods (not the ones they tell you are always healthy) you're gonna have a stronger immune system.

Not an overnight miracle cancer cure, but it helps your odds over time.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
shadowsword87 posted...
Please cite me the source where it says laughing can prevent cancer.

maybe not specifically laughing, but optimism in general has been shown to unambiguously improve health, including lowering cancer risk.
"Let me be brave"
I say Cancer is a much wider variety of diseases that can't be defeated by a singular monolithic treatment.

But - I'm pretty sure there will be cures for each and every type over time.
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
Cancer will never be eliminated
Rudy sucks
If big pharma was hiding it, we'd have heard by now. A cure for cancer would literally be a bigger deal than finding the holy grail. There isn't a judge on Earth that would incarcerate someone for leaking the cure for cancer.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
The cancer industry makes billions of dollars per year. Any all-in-one cure for preventing rapid uncontrolled tissue growth, would be kept hidden, or else lose all of their funding.

It is long past time that we check into the medical records of all the big shots in said industry, to confirm suspicions that they are hiding things.
Considering a great many people have gotten cancer and been cured I'd say yeah, there are cures for cancer.
John Mellencamp said it best "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone."
faramir77 posted...
If big pharma was hiding it, we'd have heard by now. A cure for cancer would literally be a bigger deal than finding the holy grail. There isn't a judge on Earth that would incarcerate someone for leaking the cure for cancer.

But the leaker would be blacklisted, and likely murdered, without it being known who does it, or it being ruled as a "suicide". It is what happened to Seth Rich, who leaked John Podesta's emails to Julien Assange. Murdered in a drive-by shooting in a wealthy area of Washington D.C. that isn't known for its crimes, a few weeks after giving Wikileaks the email documents.
I can't tell whether or not this is an intentionally loaded poll to make fun of people who complain when polls don't have an exact choice that fits their opinion.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
TheWorstPoster posted...
The cancer industry makes billions of dollars per year

This is the very reason why a cure would never be hidden. Literally trillions of dollars would be gained by the company that discovers a cure and patents it.
Miami Dolphins | Portland Trailblazers | San Francisco Giants
I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
TheWorstPoster posted...
faramir77 posted...
If big pharma was hiding it, we'd have heard by now. A cure for cancer would literally be a bigger deal than finding the holy grail. There isn't a judge on Earth that would incarcerate someone for leaking the cure for cancer.

But the leaker would be blacklisted, and likely murdered, without it being known who does it, or it being ruled as a "suicide". It is what happened to Seth Rich, who leaked John Podesta's emails to Julien Assange. Murdered in a drive-by shooting in a wealthy area of Washington D.C. that isn't known for its crimes, a few weeks after giving Wikileaks the email documents.

That is so stupid.
Rudy sucks
Cancer is mostly caused through human activity. Particularly industrialization which has increased cancer rates dramatically. Moving to renewable energy sources would dramatically decrease cancer rates.
VeeVees posted...
Cancer will never be eliminated

Sure it will. Eventually everything will be dead.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
This is like saying "Do you think people can recover from illness?". Being so unspecific prevents the question from meaning anything.

I do think all forms of cancer will eventually have treatments that will have a meaningful chance of either effecting full recovery or extending life expectancy by 10+ years.
RedPixel posted...
No source, but if you're happy and you eat ACTUAL healthy foods (not the ones they tell you are always healthy) you're gonna have a stronger immune system.

While that's not inaccurate (stress depresses the immune system), it doesn't have much to do with cancer. Most cancers aren't something the immune system can prevent.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Some types can be treated, but I don't think there's some magical "cancer antidote" out there. While there are many factors that may contribute to increased cancer risk, the causes are still somewhat unknown
Everything is awesome
adjl posted...
While that's not inaccurate (stress depresses the immune system), it doesn't have much to do with cancer. Most cancers aren't something the immune system can prevent.

that sure sounds completely wrong. your immune system is normally *exactly* what prevents things like cancer. if you want to be all tautological and say "by cancer I mean those kinds of cancer that your immune system fails to catch" then fine whatever, but having a healthy immune system is still a better place to be versus cancer. in fact, getting your immune system to recognize the cancer is always one potential avenue for curing it. saying "your immune system doesn't have much to do with cancer" is just asinine.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Poll of the Day » Do think there's a cure for cancer?