This 22 y/o Girl is DEAD after a Suicidal BOY landed on her Car..and he LIVED!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » This 22 y/o Girl is DEAD after a Suicidal BOY landed on her Car..and he LIVED!!!
Do you think the boy should be charged with something?

22 y/o Marisa Harris from Maryland was killed in Virginia after a 12 y/o suicidal boy threw himself off an overpass and landed on her Car..and he SURVIVED!!

She was driving under Cedar Lane when the boy, who is not being named landed on her Ford Escape..

Marisa died instantly despite first responders efforts tos ave her..while the boy extraordinary survived..

It happened at 4:18pm as Marisa was driving Eastbound. It's not sure why the boy tried to kill himself to make the 30 foot drop..He was taken to Fairfax Hospital and is treated for life threatening injuries.

A male passenger of Marisa's survived and was able to get out of the car and flag down a car for help

1309 children aged 5-12 have killed themselves in America, 1 every 5 days..

Do you think the child who tried to commit suicide be charged with something for Marisa's death?.

Marisa - Deceased

Where it happened -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!

that sounds horrible
I live in Virginia and was wondering where this happened. Of course you didn't name the fucking interstate because you're a terrible writer.
SkynyrdRocker posted...
I live in Virginia and was wondering where this happened. Of course you didn't name the fucking interstate because you're a terrible writer.

it was 66
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
He couldn't have found a higher place to jump from? If you want to kill yourself by jumping off something 30 feet certainly isn't a good way to get a clean offing, even for a child.
mrduckbear posted...

Do you think the child who tried to commit suicide be charged with something for Marisa's death?.

He's 12 and likely mentally ill so no, it probably wouldn't be appropriate to charge him with anything.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
He wants to die, help him.
Rudy sucks
mrduckbear posted...
1309 children aged 5-12 have killed themselves in America, 1 every 5 days..
And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer. -Hans Gruber
Zeus posted...
mrduckbear posted...
Do you think the child who tried to commit suicide be charged with something for Marisa's death?.
He's 12 and likely mentally ill so no, it probably wouldn't be appropriate to charge him with anything.

I rarely get to say this, but I completely agree with Zeus here. This kid needs help, and lots of it. Criminal charges aren't going to help him nor society in general. It is absolutely tragic that he killed someone. I just don't think that making a criminal out of this kid will make anything better.
He should be put to death for killing this woman! How dare he try to kill himself!
"We're not even close" - Romans building Rome at the end of Day 1
HelIWithoutSin posted...
mrduckbear posted...
1309 children aged 5-12 have killed themselves in America, 1 every 5 days..

I wonder what the time range is. I'd bet both the 1309 number and 1 every 5 days number are right, since he probably took those verbatim, and he left out the time range because he can't write for shit.
HelIWithoutSin posted...
mrduckbear posted...
1309 children aged 5-12 have killed themselves in America, 1 every 5 days..

1 every 5 days for 17.9 years, apparently, to make 1309.
If ballet was easy, it would be pointe-less
or may be it's stats from Jupiter
Rudy sucks
Killing yourself is one thing, but if you're going to do it in a way that puts other people in danger, then you're just an asshole.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
VeeVees posted...
He wants to die, help him.
Currently playing - Bloodborne
I chose yes before seeing he is 12. Hmm... What a shitty situation.
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!
streamofthesky posted...
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!

yeah somethings wrong here
streamofthesky posted...
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!

WTF, Stream! Your deceptive bullshit knows no fucking limits! This poll is about charging a kid with a crime. The other poll was about LIFE IN PRISON. The options for the other poll were life in prison, some prison time, and community service. Community service got ONE fucking vote. Nearly everybody suggested prison for them. The only argument was about what they should be charged with and the amount of prison time they should serve. So clearly more people DIDN'T think that the kid should be charged/punished, since there were 6 votes against vs ZERO votes against punishment in the other topic (since even community service is a punishment). Or, conversely, it was 67 votes for prison (or 98%+) for the stone-throwers vs 20 votes (or 76%+) for a charge of *some* kind for the kid.

And it's possible that the "charge" they want would put the kid into psychiatric care for rehabilitation for all we know, which isn't a punishment at all and would instead be a life-saving treatment. Because you're comparing two completely different polls, there's no way of knowing. Otherwise, in a more general sense, you're assuming that the same set of respondents answered both polls which probably isn't the case.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
streamofthesky posted...
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!

WTF, Stream! Your deceptive bullshit knows no fucking limits! This poll is about charging a kid with a crime. The other poll was about LIFE IN PRISON. The options for the other poll were life in prison, some prison time, and community service. Community service got ONE fucking vote. Nearly everybody suggested prison for them. The only argument was about what they should be charged with and the amount of prison time they should serve. So clearly more people DIDN'T think that the kid should be charged/punished, since there were 6 votes against vs ZERO votes against punishment in the other topic (since even community service is a punishment). Or, conversely, it was 67 votes for prison (or 98%+) for the stone-throwers vs 20 votes (or 76%+) for a charge of *some* kind for the kid.

And it's possible that the "charge" they want would put the kid into psychiatric care for rehabilitation for all we know, which isn't a punishment at all and would instead be a life-saving treatment. Because you're comparing two completely different polls, there's no way of knowing. Otherwise, in a more general sense, you're assuming that the same set of respondents answered both polls which probably isn't the case.

This is an actual kid and pretty clearly wasn't trying to hit a driver/passenger in a car with obvious mental health issues to be suicidal at 12. Yet the vast majority of the votes thing he should be charged with something. And it's your deceptive bs that knows no limits, when you talk of "charging someone with something," it almost always is in the context of a crime and prison, not psychiatric care.
The other case was a bunch of people 15-17 years old, being charged as the adults they practically are, intentionally lobbing large rocks at people and causing a death plus several other injuries. Of course they deserve life in prison.
mrduckbear posted...
Do you think the boy should be charged with something?

Being as he had no regard for others peoples lives yes.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
streamofthesky posted...
Zeus posted...
streamofthesky posted...
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!

WTF, Stream! Your deceptive bullshit knows no fucking limits! This poll is about charging a kid with a crime. The other poll was about LIFE IN PRISON. The options for the other poll were life in prison, some prison time, and community service. Community service got ONE fucking vote. Nearly everybody suggested prison for them. The only argument was about what they should be charged with and the amount of prison time they should serve. So clearly more people DIDN'T think that the kid should be charged/punished, since there were 6 votes against vs ZERO votes against punishment in the other topic (since even community service is a punishment). Or, conversely, it was 67 votes for prison (or 98%+) for the stone-throwers vs 20 votes (or 76%+) for a charge of *some* kind for the kid.

And it's possible that the "charge" they want would put the kid into psychiatric care for rehabilitation for all we know, which isn't a punishment at all and would instead be a life-saving treatment. Because you're comparing two completely different polls, there's no way of knowing. Otherwise, in a more general sense, you're assuming that the same set of respondents answered both polls which probably isn't the case.

This is an actual kid and pretty clearly wasn't trying to hit a driver/passenger in a car with obvious mental health issues to be suicidal at 12. Yet the vast majority of the votes thing he should be charged with something. And it's your deceptive bs that knows no limits, when you talk of "charging someone with something," it almost always is in the context of a crime and prison, not psychiatric care.
The other case was a bunch of people 15-17 years old, being charged as the adults they practically are, intentionally lobbing large rocks at people and causing a death plus several other injuries. Of course they deserve life in prison.

Few things:

1) You haven't addressed your initial deception. Walking it back to "the vast majority" doesn't excuse your claim that more people thought the kid should be charged than the teens, which was an outright lie. (Not to mention that at least one of the votes for "yes" was a poster who admitted he voted before realizing that the boy who landed on her car was 12, which is very likely the situation for other votes as well.)

2) Legal proceedings regarding mental health BEGIN with a charge when a law is broken. By the way, a legal proceeding is stronger than an involuntary psychiatric hold because it mandates treatment. Trying to obfuscate the way the system works is another deception. Therefore it's *very* likely that some of the "yes" votes had that in mind.

3) Insisting on life imprisonment on a single count of involuntary manslaughter when ACTUAL intentional murderers get less time is so wrongheadedly stupid that it beggars imagination, ESPECIALLY when the culprits are minors.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
streamofthesky posted...
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!

Few things:

1) You haven't addressed your initial deception. Walking it back to "the vast majority" doesn't excuse your claim that more people thought the kid should be charged than the teens, which was an outright lie. (Not to mention that at least one of the votes for "yes" was a poster who admitted he voted before realizing that the boy who landed on her car was 12, which is very likely the situation for other votes as well.)

Here, I bolded key parts of my initial post since you've repeatedly proven you're incapable of reading it, hopefully that helps you.
I never compared charge the teens vs. charge the kid. I compared charge the teens WITH MURDER vs. charge the kid (with any crime).
When I was 12 y/o, local kids were picking off the bird population with BB guns. Kids are selfish, ok?

So a 12 y/o getting a free pass for killing a human, all for being a troubled "kid" that's just dumb, ok?
Manslaugter... I think anyone 12 and up should only be tried as an adult unless theyre special needs or something...
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
He should have gotten the help he needed, but if you're gonna do it don't put others in danger.
Manslaughter at least.
charged or not, he needs to be institutionalized. clearly a danger to himself and others.
Is this going to be one of those times when you pretend not to have a plan until the last moment? And then turn out to really not have one?
That's some awful ironry.

Ironic. He could kill others, but not himself.
''Death? Explain.''
''Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. Sacrifice leads to death. So feel free to kill yourself.'' - Ghaul and The Speaker
suicide survival is by definition attempted murder, so ya
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
Troll_Police_ posted...
charged or not, he needs to be institutionalized. clearly a danger to himself and others.
Official nosy neighbor and gossip
SushiSquid posted...
Zeus posted...
mrduckbear posted...
Do you think the child who tried to commit suicide be charged with something for Marisa's death?.
He's 12 and likely mentally ill so no, it probably wouldn't be appropriate to charge him with anything.

I rarely get to say this, but I completely agree with Zeus here. This kid needs help, and lots of it. Criminal charges aren't going to help him nor society in general. It is absolutely tragic that he killed someone. I just don't think that making a criminal out of this kid will make anything better.

This. That kid has to live with this for the rest of his life, on top of already having deep depression. I cant imagine what Marisas family is going through, but if that was my wife or sister that died, I wouldnt have the heart to prosecute a suicidal 12 year-old.

Id probably try to reach out to the kid and ask him to live his life to the fullest in memory of my loved one, as a condition for not pressing charges. And offer my forgiveness. Itd be a tough pill to swallow, but that boys healing needs to start as soon as possible.
Bluer than velvet was the night... Softer than satin was the light... From the stars...
MirMiros posted...
Manslaughter at least.

How does reckless endangerment work?
Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken.
Far-Queue posted...
SushiSquid posted...
Zeus posted...
mrduckbear posted...
Do you think the child who tried to commit suicide be charged with something for Marisa's death?.
He's 12 and likely mentally ill so no, it probably wouldn't be appropriate to charge him with anything.

I rarely get to say this, but I completely agree with Zeus here. This kid needs help, and lots of it. Criminal charges aren't going to help him nor society in general. It is absolutely tragic that he killed someone. I just don't think that making a criminal out of this kid will make anything better.

This. That kid has to live with this for the rest of his life, on top of already having deep depression. I cant imagine what Marisas family is going through, but if that was my wife or sister that died, I wouldnt have the heart to prosecute a suicidal 12 year-old.

Id probably try to reach out to the kid and ask him to live his life to the fullest in memory of my loved one, as a condition for not pressing charges. And offer my forgiveness. Itd be a tough pill to swallow, but that boys healing needs to start as soon as possible.

the hardest and morally the best response.

I wonder how the family is taking this. What another strange case.
streamofthesky posted...
Zeus posted...
streamofthesky posted...
More people think a mentally ill 12 year old boy who clearly didn't intend to land on a car by random chance as he jumped off should be punished than think a bunch of 15-17 year olds intentionally throwing huge rocks at drivers' windshields "for teh evulz" should be charged with murder after...shocker! lead to someone getting killed.

WTF, PotD!

Few things:

1) You haven't addressed your initial deception. Walking it back to "the vast majority" doesn't excuse your claim that more people thought the kid should be charged than the teens, which was an outright lie. (Not to mention that at least one of the votes for "yes" was a poster who admitted he voted before realizing that the boy who landed on her car was 12, which is very likely the situation for other votes as well.)

Here, I bolded key parts of my initial post since you've repeatedly proven you're incapable of reading it, hopefully that helps you.
I never compared charge the teens vs. charge the kid. I compared charge the teens WITH MURDER vs. charge the kid (with any crime).

Because murder requires intent, manslaughter does not. Throwing stones off an overpass and getting into a car drunk can both result in somebody being killed, but neither one strictly has the intent of killing somebody. And everybody wanted to charge them with something and punish them with something, the only argument was over legal precedent.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Poll of the Day » This 22 y/o Girl is DEAD after a Suicidal BOY landed on her Car..and he LIVED!!!