Do you live in a UFO HOTSPOT in the United States? Look at this map to see!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you live in a UFO HOTSPOT in the United States? Look at this map to see!!!
Do you live in a UFO hotspot in the United States?

60,000 unsettling stories were revealed in a new map of the United States, compiling UFO sightings from every state since 1995!!

Sightings of aliens have steadily grown in the last 2 decades, hitting a mid-summer peak each year.

This was created by Data Solutions Engineer Adam Crahen of the Data Duo as the internet has played a role in the growth of UFO reports but most is explained by natural or human caused phenomena

The sightings of UFO's is often associated with RURAL areas with a mysterious object hovering over crop fields since the famous 1947 Roswell crash in New Mxico

But the map shows these reports are actually concentrated in major cities and dense population hubs

Do you live in a UFO hotspot based on this map? let's see what people will vote

UFO sightings -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Your topics have been sucking all kinds of ass lately.
So. . .all populated areas
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Why is it that only white Americans get abducted by aliens
RIP in peace Junpei 6/1/17 :(
would you let some hot alien babes abduct you for breeding ?

i remember an old 70's film about that lol

lol that would make for a funny poll on this board
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Poll of the Day » Do you live in a UFO HOTSPOT in the United States? Look at this map to see!!!