14 y/o CHUBBY Blonde Girl is being CYBER BULLIED for celebrating killin an ELK!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » 14 y/o CHUBBY Blonde Girl is being CYBER BULLIED for celebrating killin an ELK!
Do you think a deer and an elk look the same?

14 y/o Abby Wilson from Missori is receiving brutal backlash after she posted a photo of herself proudly killing a dead ELK!!

She's been hunting with her father, Donald White on Saturday when she spotted what she thought was a "large white tailed buck". After killing the animal, she called her father to explain what happened.

That's when her dad realized she had killed an elk. He called a Boone Count Agent, Adam Doerhoff and said to him "We think we just shot an elk"

Abby thought the elk was a deer because it had "antlers" and a "body" of a deer.

Abby had just completed a hunter education class and said "I had just completed my hunting safety class and i really wanted to go out there and kill something. I was so excited".

Her father says he's now worried for his daughter after she got THREATENED online by several people and said "Everyone is a keyboard hero these days. 75% of people would've said nothing at all and left the elk. Liberals are really spineless people who don't understand the thrill of a hunt. When i put my post up on Facebook, yes, i was an excited Dad. My daughter got her first kill and it won't be the last"

He expresses his distaste for "adults" using social media to voice theeir "hatred towards a child"

Investigators are now determing the DNA test for the elk to determine it's place of origin and if it's healthy, it could be used to provide for families.

Do you think a Deer and an Elk look the same?

The shocking picture -



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Zangulus posted...
Shes either lying or a fucking menace with a high powered rifle.

You never pull the trigger until you are 100 fucking percent sure you know what youre going to hit.

She could just be very stupid. Although I guess that still makes her a menace.
LOL@ that dad's pathetic response
Rudy sucks
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I don't get how it matters if she killed a deer or an elk?

What kind of sick lunatic gives a gun to a 14 y/o???
Why would you proudly kill an animal? Why take of photo of this shameful act?

How can you "kill a dead ELK!!" [sic] (I mean it's already dead)

"Abby had just completed a hunter education class and said "I had just completed my hunting safety class and i really wanted to go out there and kill something. I was so excited"."
Don't they teach what to kill and what not to kill, and to not go out when you're excited just to kill something? Doesn't sound particularly safe to me.

"Everyone is a keyboard hero these days."
Better to be a keyboard hero than an elk killer.

"75% of people would've said nothing at all and left the elk."
99.9% of people would not have shot the elk.

"Liberals are really spineless people who don't understand the thrill of a hunt."
I don't understand the thrill of slaughtering a helpless animal with a fire arm, and I'm not even a liberal.

"yes, i was an excited Dad. My daughter got her first kill and it won't be the last"
I'll be proud when my daughter achieves something, not when it murders an animal with a fire arm.

"He expresses his distaste for "adults" using social media to voice their "hatred towards a child""
Pretty sure those "adults" are hating the act of killing the elk, and the "adult" that gave his 14 y/o daughter a fire arm and instructions to go out and kill something, not the young child.

Do you think a Deer and an Elk look the same?
From a distance, sure, it looks like (and is) a big deer. Wouldn't shoot it when in doubt, if at all.
Are there any threats? I'm curious if Abby and her Dad are overreacting, or if our old pal Ducky just decided to showcase a bad selection of tweets. They're making fun of her, sure, but they're not threats.

She's really not a danger, though. Kind of a huge difference between not being able to tell an elk and deer apart (like me!) versus not being able to tell a human and deer apart.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
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Pardon my ignorance

What's wrong with killing an Elk, are they endangered or something? I didn't know the difference, either :P
"Is it a good time, or is it highly inappropriate?" - Alvvays
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Zangulus posted...
Sick lunatic? Hunting is a very old thing. Its been happening for thousands of years. Its up to the adults to make sure the child is trained enough to not do something stupid with the weapon. This isnt always the case, and the blame lies on the parents when it happens.

Hunting is very old. That has nothing to do with giving a fire arm to a 14 y/o child (who can't even tell the local wild life apart)

Proudly kill an animal? I was very proud when I put nearly 200 pounds of food on my familys table at 14.

If I was in a tribe of native people and gathered 200 pounds of food with traditional means that my family needed, I'd be proud too. Shooting an animal with a fire arm? not so much. Anyway, why give fire arms to children? If the animal was eaten I wouldn't feel bad though.

Hunting isnt murder unless its for pure sport. When the flesh is utilized the its for hunting and supporting people. Hunting needs to happen. Animals would go wildly out of control if their numbers werent held in check.

The animals would go out of control excuse is simply not true (it's rarely or never true). Anyway if it's legal and you live in the wilderness/very rural and the meat is used I don't have a problem with it, as long as the killer isn't a 14 y/o girl. Glad to see you're anti hunting/killing for pure sport, which is as sick as giving guns to children imho.
Poll of the Day » 14 y/o CHUBBY Blonde Girl is being CYBER BULLIED for celebrating killin an ELK!