'Sonic the Hedgehog was never good'... True or False?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » 'Sonic the Hedgehog was never good'... True or False?
True or False

Question of the year
I never really liked them.
They were solid games, but I've never particularly enjoyed them all that much. They always seemed to struggle with balancing the core idea of going really fast with the reality of needing to go through levels more slowly until you learned them (since levels that can be sped through on the first try tend not to have that much going for them in terms of interesting platforming). I can see how they would have been appealing for anyone that was interested in playing lots of the game and learning the levels well enough to speedrun them, since then you would get to go really fast, but for just finishing the game, I didn't find it that interesting.
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More true than false. It was a game franchise built around speed where you have constant roadblocks. Granted, I suppose the concept works on replays for speed-running but still...

The first game was so-so, 2-4 were alright, the gba games were garbage (partly due to the range of sight with the small screen), and every 3d game I played has sucked.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
'False, the Classic games were good'

..and Sonic Advance 2/3

Heck, I've even beaten a Sonic game from beginning to end, twice, and I'm not even a platformer fan.
It was good, but outside of 3 and Knuckles, I wouldn't say it was great. And even 3 and Knuckles still has many of the core issues in other Sonic games, which I won't go into detail here because I already have a topic going about it
A few were ok

Most are bad
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Gameplay is okay in early games, furry bullshit is not
The classics are fantastic. And some of the 3D ones are great (especially Adventure and Adventure 2)
I enjoy many of the classics, the two exceptions being Sonic 2 on Mega Drive (I enjoy the Master System/Game Gear Sonic 2 though) and Sonic Spinball (I don't like flipper games in general and Sonic Spinball is a broken mess of a game to boot) and I enjoy many of the 3D games, especially back when they had the 4kids voice actors, which got replaced in 2007, after that they haven't made anything I like.

The specific last Sonic game I enjoyed was Sonic Riders Zero Gravity on PS2 and Wii back in 2007, so it's been a full decade of drought for me as a fan of the franchise, with all my favorite characters either completely ignored or even worse, rebooted into versions of themselves I no longer like that aren't canon to their original versions anymore.

Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Silver, Blaze, Cream, Vanilla and the Chaotix are all missed very deeply. And the gameplay of the newer games are awful as well, constantly forcing the annoying mix of 3D and 2D gameplay a-la-generations/colours/unleashed with a side dish of appealing to the deviantart OC creators with Sonic Forces or just plain lazy old 2D games again, with countless digital re-releases of ports of the old classics or lazy rehashed unoriginal cash grabs like Sonic Mania.

I hope Sega will make a proper Adventure style game again some day, like Sonic 06 would've been had Sega not forced Sonic Team to release it a year before schedule. It was still good all things considered (the internet hate it gets is for the most part unwarranted, it has some glitches and some slowdown and there are a tad too many load times when you do minor missions but for the most part it's an enjoyable game that can be played from beginning to end) but the problems weren't necessary and had they just waited a year to get the game done properly, like they originally intended, it would've been a much greater game and they could've celebrated the 16 year anniversary of the most iconic 16-bit mascot, instead of the odd choice to celebrate the 15 year anniversary.

Seriously, who celebrates 15 as something special? I've heard of sweet 16 and the 16-bit generation and other 16 related stuff, but I don't think I've ever heard of 15 being a celebratory anniversary for anything ever, it's just really odd how they thought that was something worth shaving off an entire year of development time for a reboot of their main series for, it just makes no sense.
But then again it's Sega we're talking about, after what they did in the mid 90s it's not like anyone can expect them to make sane and rational decisions, it's just not in their repertoire, they've proven that fact many times over by now.
Kill the legs first, that's an ironclad battle tactic!
I've never played Sonic.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
I liked the 2, 3 and Sonic Knuckles as kid, and they're alright nowadays, I think people take the speed aspect of the old games too much to heart I had fun exploring the levels and finding hidden stuff, especially trying to find all the chaos emeralds so you anytime you found one of those ring portals it was like "nice".

Haven't played any of the newer games because idk, not too interested in platformers nowadays.

FrozenBananas posted...
And some of the 3D ones are great (especially Adventure and Adventure 2)

Eh, they're alright, not great though, haven't played them in a few years since I first bought them and downloaded them, back in the day they were great but now ehhhh.
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
Sonic 2 and 3 (&knuckles) are all great
EvilMegas posted...
I never really liked them.
Where's the "False. Some of the classic and 3d games were good." option?
"Meow meow meow meow meow." Click the link for the translation.
Of the games I've played most have been fun, yes, even shadOW THE hEDGEhog and 06. Whilst I [loading] can easily see the points of [loading] contention I found them fun, and that's how I view games as good or not.

Haven't played any of the newer stuff (last game was generations).
Is this about the series or the specific game from 06? If we are talking about the series, of course it has been good. Do you honestly think something spans nearly 30 years if it sucks?
I liked 2, 3, Sonic and knuckles, adventure 1, spinball, and generations. I got lost world on steam for $3 during the summer but haven't tried it yet.

Mania is very well done also. I'd say about half of the Sonic games are good.
...Dude, you're a ****ing douche. Get off my god damn internets.
- RX7Infinitilll
Sonic doesn't get enough credit for its boss battles, especially in classic Mario vs classic Sonic discussions.
My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
While classic Mario boss battles are pretty lackluster, at least they are tight. Sonic boss battles have some fucking wonky hitboxes. Half the time I feel like I'm just guessing at when I can jump into the boss and banking on getting my rings back. This is why the final stage in Sonic 2 is so terrible - no rings, and both boss fights are prime examples of unclear hitboxes.
Only the Classics are good

And yes, Some Soinc bosses are hit or miss, but they are better than any and all bosses in Mario games that isn't Bowser specifically
GTag/PSN: MechaknightX [][]
A golden butter knife does not win wars...
Sonic 2, 3&K, Advance 1/3, Adventure 2, Colors, Generations, and Mania are enjoyable to me
Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
False. I had more fun on the Sonic Generations demo than I ever did with the Super Mario Bros. games.
Both classic and 3D had "good" games but not great games. Best sonic game for me was the transformed racing one on wii u. I would give that a solid 8 out 10.
Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles were all excellent. I didn't try Mania yet.

As for 3d, Secret of the Rings was actually an amazing game with an insane amount of content and replay value, and was incredibly underrated. I wish they kept making them using the same formula.
Both the classics & 3d games share something

The futher they went on, the worst they got

... maybe with the exception of Generations which was ok (the jump delay was annoying and the fact that it was more of a playable clip show than its own game) but the 2 titles after that .. yeesh.

And dont get started on Boom..
Not changing my sig until Nintendo announces the Switch XL 1/12/2017

One of them was my very first game and I didn't really like it.
Hail Hydra
False. I was never a HUGE fan of the series, but Sonic 1 and 2 are both great classic platformers.
I have memories of playing Sonic 3 at a friends' house and enjoying it a lot but I was a kid. I look back at Sonic games now and they just seem like shit. They're incredibly clunky to platform in and the element of extreme speed works badly because of that. Green Hill Zone is cool because you can just shoot through it but that's not an entire game.

I still greatly enjoy old Mario games and I personally love the Donkey Kong Country series. The Sonic games are just...crap.
I think Mario games were objectively better, but I always personally enjoyed Sonic games more. 2d and 3d. Sonic Adventure>>>>Mario 64 imo
BADoglick to the Max!
adjl posted...
They were solid games, but I've never particularly enjoyed them all that much. They always seemed to struggle with balancing the core idea of going really fast with the reality of needing to go through levels more slowly until you learned them (since levels that can be sped through on the first try tend not to have that much going for them in terms of interesting platforming). I can see how they would have been appealing for anyone that was interested in playing lots of the game and learning the levels well enough to speedrun them, since then you would get to go really fast, but for just finishing the game, I didn't find it that interesting.

Poll of the Day » 'Sonic the Hedgehog was never good'... True or False?