Rate that food ~ Day 1547 ~ Stuffing

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Rate that food ~ Day 1547 ~ Stuffing

Day 1536: Kit Kat - 8.0 (46 votes)
Day 1537: Cream cheese bagel - 8.3 (33 votes)
Day 1538: Curly Fries - 8.6 (24 votes)
Day 1539: Booty - 8.9 (23 votes)
Day 1540: Buttered Toast - 8.7 (27 votes)
Day 1541: Garlic Bread - 9.0 (50 votes)
Day 1542: AirHeads - 6.8 (23 votes)
Day 1543: Ice Cream Sandwich - 8.2 (20 votes)
Day 1544: Potato Salad - 6.4 (26 votes)
Day 1545: Green Beans - 5.6 (27 votes)
Day 1546: Winner: Booty

Day 1545: Sour Patch Kids - 7.8 (20 votes)
Day 1546: Corn Dogs - 7.0 (23 votes)

Vote based on your favorite
Depends on the variety, but generally a 10/10 food.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Good side dish. Good name to imply a filling meal.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.
10/10 perfect food A++ would eat again

I love all the traditional thanksgiving food, but stuffing is probably my favorite

I'm not a fan of when people put cranberries in it though. I like cranberry but it does not belong in stuffing.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
10/10 if you mean cornbread dressing.
Stuffing is the reason turkeys were even invented.

Now Playing: Super Mario 64
// Smash 4 // LUIGI, LINK, Bowser, Falco, ROB
It's average-to-good and has never been the highlight of my meal.

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Poll of the Day » Rate that food ~ Day 1547 ~ Stuffing