Does general stupidity actually bother you?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Does general stupidity actually bother you?
Answer wisely, tiny human

I think stupidity does bother most people, as it should honestly.
I don't mind if people are dumb as long as they are not willfully ignorant.
"Salt cures Everything!"
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i'm stupid and i can't help it :(
Don't ask.
Lokarin posted...
I don't mind if people are dumb as long as they are not willfully ignorant.

Ok, I can think of a few frustrating scenarios where you would probably change your mind.

>>Haven't gotten much sleep lately
>>Work needs you to stay a bit longer unexpectedly
>>Be exhausted after an extra long day
>>Speeding ticket on the way home for going 8mph over, you sped up at a yellow to avoid being stuck at a busy street. Couldn't talk your way out of it.
>>The last major intersection before turning into your neighborhood, some teenager who just got their license couldn't break in time, rear ending your entire bumper off.
>>Finally get home, that package you were waiting for didn't arrive on time because the mailman forgot it in the morning.

You wouldn't be mad after that? lol
Poll of the Day » Does general stupidity actually bother you?