Have you ever cried due to a positive emotional state?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Have you ever cried due to a positive emotional state?
Have you ever cried from an overwhelming feeling of either joy/gratitude/serendipity/triumph/love?

Crying from laughter doesn't count here, though I suppose it technically does.
Your palace may last forever, but my yurt can go anywhere.
Anyone who's read Worlds of Power: Megaman 2
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Only when I'm extremely drunk.
Any really intense emotion can make me cry. Positive ones included.
Never write off the Doctor!
Naw I don't think so... Maybe I'm dead inside
Yeah, all the time. Happened today, even.
Proud to be EP ic
Texas Aggie, Class of 2018 A-Whoop!
Lol happy endings in movies or shows can easily make me cry. Its a Wonderful Life gets me every single time.

Im actually a lot more likely to cry from happy stuff than sad stuff.
FC: SW-2262-4005-7054
I haven't since the wreck, except when I saw that mead had carried my topic on his own good will... Other than that, not since the wreck. I used to though.
Ever since the day you left, my fate's been set unknown... How many years to walk this path alone?
[...] So why'd you close your eyes... why can't I shut mine?
From laughing yes. I'm not sure otherwise. If laughing doesn't count, then I dunno.
"I mean, even the buffest gym bro can't work out his eyeballs, right? They're all equally squishy!" - Mia, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Poll of the Day » Have you ever cried due to a positive emotional state?