Conservatives believe in the Survival of the FITTEST Philosophy.....

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Conservatives believe in the Survival of the FITTEST Philosophy.....
Do you believe in the survival of the fittest philosophy?

It's true. It's like how Hunters justify their joy of trophy hunting while trying to bring up that silly old excuse of "conservation"

Their philosophy is, they're killing old males that have no use anymore so why not kill them and stop them from wasting resources and food for other healthy animals and they pay minuscule amounts to do it and do it for the "thrill" of the hunt as they say..although i don't know how thrilling it is if an old male isn't doing anything but sitting there.

It's the same with conservative philosophy. Why bother to help old sick people with free healthcare or help the poor if they aren't contributing anything. It would be better to let them fend for themselves while doing something else to help the rest.

Hence, survival of the fittest philosophy..that's what conservatives believe in. If you have no use to them, they will toss you away like a steven seagal movie.

If animals become extinct or food becomes scarce, you know what's gonna happen next..
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Ironic, since cons don't believe in evolution
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Except they don't.

The elderly are their biggest age demographic for voting.
And they're constantly pushing trickle down economics to make things easier for corporations and the extremely wealthy. While you could see their attempts to gut the social safety net as them wanting the weak (poor) to die off, and I wouldn't argue w/ you, no actual "social Darwinist" thinks the strong need outside help to continue thriving. Thinking that is literally in the face of the very idea that the strongest are fit enough to survive.
Duckbear, you have no idea what you're talking about. Medicare is a thing that exists and hunting is a conservation technique that raises millions of dollars for states.
conservatives cannabalize themselves to receive more funding
it's sad really
mrduckbear posted...
Why bother to help old sick people with free healthcare or help the poor if they aren't contributing anything. It would be better to let them fend for themselves while doing something else to help the rest.

it's more like "don't help people when they can help themselves." reserve help for when it's truly critically needed and don't just dish it out willy-nilly, since that just encourages dependence and discourages people working to improve themselves. you shouldn't be looking for how other people can help you, you should be looking for how you can help yourself.
You can't apply principles that apply to wild animals to humans. People have the power to make choices for themselves, have, emotions, and can learn from the consequences of their actions in ways no other creature can.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Sahuagin posted...
mrduckbear posted...
Why bother to help old sick people with free healthcare or help the poor if they aren't contributing anything. It would be better to let them fend for themselves while doing something else to help the rest.

it's more like "don't help people when they can help themselves." reserve help for when it's truly critically needed and don't just dish it out willy-nilly, since that just encourages dependence and discourages people working to improve themselves. you shouldn't be looking for how other people can help you, you should be looking for how you can help yourself.

Deep down left wingers have no self confidence, so they think the solutions to their problems are the solutions for everybodies, which is why they keep claiming to know how to make everybody happy when they are really only referring to themselves.
Qc_Stryder 5/21/2015 6:58:09 AM posted... Mods- Protectors of feelings
Sahuagin posted...
mrduckbear posted...
Why bother to help old sick people with free healthcare or help the poor if they aren't contributing anything. It would be better to let them fend for themselves while doing something else to help the rest.

it's more like "don't help people when they can help themselves." reserve help for when it's truly critically needed and don't just dish it out willy-nilly, since that just encourages dependence and discourages people working to improve themselves. you shouldn't be looking for how other people can help you, you should be looking for how you can help yourself.

Sounds about right. At least that's my philosophy. If you can work, you should work. If you can't, you can't.
"We're not even close" - Romans building Rome at the end of Day 1
Yes. Not physical fitness, but rather your ability to exploit the system.
Rudy sucks
Liberals believe in the "survival of the scummiest" philosophy while demonizing the fit.
I don't think a lot of Conservatives got to where they are through "Survival of the Fittest" tactics, because economy, inheritance, historical property ownership, among other things, are more complicated than that. If "Conservatives" (this seems very blanket, I'm mostly addressing perhaps your own implied beliefs) believe in "Survival of the Fittest" and believe that individuals such as Donald Trump, Ben Shapiro (I could list liberals and other crappy classifications of people here too) got to where they are via those means, those individuals are willfully ignorant.

Survival of the fittest still exists, albeit in a very skewed and abstract way for modern humans. Oldschool survival of the fittest persists for the animal kingdom.
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Poll of the Day » Conservatives believe in the Survival of the FITTEST Philosophy.....