These are the Top 20 most HATED COMPANIES in America...and TRUMP made the list!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » These are the Top 20 most HATED COMPANIES in America...and TRUMP made the list!
Which of these companies do you despise the most?

These Top 20 Companies are one of the most HATED companies in America in 2017..and give the scandals they accumulated in the last year, people have rejected them in large numbers.

Trust is built or broken over a matter of few hours after a bad press or misjudged these companies have paid for it.

Which of them do you dislike the most? let's see who people will vote

20. Weinstein Company - Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment Scandal

19. United Airlines - Forcibly Removing Passenger Scandal

18. Facebook - Posting FAKE NEWS on its social media news alerts

17. CenturyLink - Americans despise its internet service

16. Monsanto - Public outrage for its harmful products on the environment and people

15. Comcast - TV and Phone Service fares rates one of the WORST in America

14. Uber - Sexual Harassment claims and then CEO Travis Kalanick arguing with an uber driver

13. Sears - Shutter its doors to more than 3000 stores and has a low customer satisifaction rating

12. Trump Organization - Donald Trump is the LEAST popular president in US History and his hotels, golf courses and retail holdings have a negative view from EVERYONE around the world and is losing customers

11. Wells Fargo - Faced PR nightmare after employees created 3.5 million phony accounts on behalf of unknowing customers to meet quotas and is ranked the WORST Bank.

10. Cigna - Insurance industry is accused of fraud with multiple lawsuits as customers pay 10x the true cost of medical services

9. Sprint Airlines - Cheap airline with low customer satisfaction amongst all airlines

8. Vice Media - Media Organization accused of systemic sexual harassment dating back since 2003

7. Sprint - Telecom company with poor customer service

6. Foxconn Technology Group - Chinese company that makes products for Nintendo and Apple for poor working conditions as employees commit suicide

5. Electronic Arts - Video Game company with a reputation s the industry's EVIL EMPIRE that buy up small studios and stripping them of originality

4. University of Phoenix - Known for it's profit college but has been a focus on federal and state probes using deceptive practices to recruit students and preyed on veterans with little chance to graduate

3. NFL - Took more than 20 years to acknowledge the impact of head injuries and took heat for kneeling players after Trump made his infamous bashing

2. Fox Entertainment - Right Wing News Group is one of the most popular cable news in history but also the most divisive and with the news of multiple sexual harassment claims sent the company into one of the most hated last year

1. Equifax - Consummer Credit reporting was hit with a massive hack last year as more than 145 million Americans were exposed and the company did not tell the public for 6 weeks as criminals stole personal information including social security and birthdays
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
United Airlines - introduced me to stroopwafels
Uber - they give me rides and bring me food
Cigna - They paid for a ton of stuff when my brain went berserk
Sprint - used them for years, always get good service never had any issues

Those companies are all great imo
All praise Mead
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
EA is going to be tough to beat on a gaming message board.
Money is overrated...
Monsanto is ruining the nations health as well as the health if the land and animals. Also pcbs negative effects are still hurting the enviroment
My 3ds friend code is 2852-7795-4118
I like video games
Bracketing them together like that kinda messes things up. Equifax deserves a spot of its own and a lot of the others nobody cares about.

Full Throttle posted...
Donald Trump is the LEAST popular president in US History

Uh, considering half the country split when Lincoln was taking office, that's a pretty dubious claim.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Ben111 posted...
Monsanto is ruining the nations health as well as the health if the land and animals. Also pcbs negative effects are still hurting the enviroment

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Zeus posted...
Ben111 posted...
Monsanto is ruining the nations health as well as the health if the land and animals. Also pcbs negative effects are still hurting the enviroment


My 3ds friend code is 2852-7795-4118
I like video games
Vice, because they just annoy me the most with their SJW bullshit.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Off the top of my head, my most-hated companies (probably forgetting some):

Verizon (how the fuck is Sprint more hated than A Shit Pie's company?)
Disney (copyright law)
Fox / Rupert Murdoch's media empire
United Airlines (yeah, Spirit is worse, but you expect them to be awful for the price)
Activision Blizzard (use the full name, damn it! Blizzard's evil, too)
Warner Bros
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Why would anyone hate Sears? I mean, I totally get not liking Sears, but it's such a nothing company nowadays, like I can't believe people care enough about Sears to actively hate it.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
Golden Road posted...
Why would anyone hate Sears? I mean, I totally get not liking Sears, but it's such a nothing company nowadays, like I can't believe people care enough about Sears to actively hate it.

Agreed. It's like hating some mediocre soup you ate 10 years ago.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
I am surprise Bank of America isn't top 5 or top 10. Aren't they usually number one? Personally I have never had issues with BoA but I have heard stories. Or as my friend, another BoA user, suggest it. They only care about you if you have money.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
So where is your citation for this list or did you just pull this one out your ass like you do half your information?

Because they pretty much just sound like the companies you have beef with

Some of these are some crummy companies but most hated in America probably not except for maybe from a Vanity Fair poll.
Previously Hatevolved in another life.
Ben111 posted...
Monsanto is ruining the nations health as well as the health if the land and animals. Also pcbs negative effects are still hurting the enviroment

There's nothing wrong with GMO.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms
anyone who says "current president is worst president in history" is just talking out of their ass. especially when the president in question is only 1 year into their term even

and I know this because I used to do it myself. when W Bush was in office. then I got wiser
Zeus posted...
Bracketing them together like that kinda messes things up. Equifax deserves a spot of its own and a lot of the others nobody cares about.

Full Throttle posted...
Donald Trump is the LEAST popular president in US History

Uh, considering half the country split when Lincoln was taking office, that's a pretty dubious claim.

PSN: CrimsonKings1538
FFBE: 549 730 517
Revelation34 posted...
Ben111 posted...
Monsanto is ruining the nations health as well as the health if the land and animals. Also pcbs negative effects are still hurting the enviroment

There's nothing wrong with GMO.

Thats what they want you to think. Just like the fda wanted you to think transfat was safe but oops it caused countless cases of heart disease
My 3ds friend code is 2852-7795-4118
I like video games
Ben111 posted...
Revelation34 posted...
Ben111 posted...
Monsanto is ruining the nations health as well as the health if the land and animals. Also pcbs negative effects are still hurting the enviroment

There's nothing wrong with GMO.

Thats what they want you to think. Just like the fda wanted you to think transfat was safe but oops it caused countless cases of heart disease

GMO has nothing to do with heart disease.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms
Poll of the Day » These are the Top 20 most HATED COMPANIES in America...and TRUMP made the list!