22 y/o Girl who Married a FAT RICH Guy says she's NOT a Gold Digger!! Is She???

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » 22 y/o Girl who Married a FAT RICH Guy says she's NOT a Gold Digger!! Is She???
Do you truly believe Liz loves Kim for him and not for his money?

22 y/o Law Student Elizabeth Donnelly and new WIFE to fat internet pirate and founder of now defunct, Megaupload, Kim Dotcom insists she's NOT a gold digger as she wants to have TWO children with him where he already has 5 from a previous wife!!

The gold digger said their sex life is NO ONE'S business but theirs after she married the 44 y/o rhino in New Zealand and he is still facing extradition to the US to face charges for his website and it's pirate activity of sharing movie, tv, music files.

Their wedding was on the same date when his 30 million dollar mansion was raided by police and was arrested for copyright infringement in 2012.

He has been fighting extradition that face land him in prison for 88 years and now referred to as Liz Dotcom met him in 2015 when she was 20 after Kim sent her a message on instagram.

She had one semester left in a law degree which she NEVER plans to use as she lives a luxury lifestyle now that she's only ever "dreamed" of

The scandelous minx has been showing off her new toys..including her expensive cars, designer clothes and on luxurious locales.

But she INSISTS that they are in love like any other couple because nice things are not happiness and that she truly is madly in love with him..

They have endured countless attacks from internet trolls for their age and weight difference as she continues to defend her love but has failed to convince people. She says Kim is just so "kind" and he would never "hurt" anybody as he's accomplished so much

When they have kids, they will likely be conceived through IVF or surrogacy due to Kim's believe in SCIENCE over nature but they do plan to have "sex"

Do you truly believe Liz is a gold digger? let's see what people think

Liz and Kim - Barf











call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
There's no way for us to ever know for sure but I'm gonna say, yeah, she's after dat cash.
That being said, so what? As long at they're both happy with the terms of the relationship, good luck to them.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Fake it til you make it.
If you make an intelligent post, people tend to ignore it because they only respond to stupid. Don't believe me? Just look at most of the chained replies.
First photo of her didn't look great, but she's pretty hot in a lot of the others. Not exactly gold-digger quality, but very good-looking. At any rate, marrying a law student just means you're going to get screwed in the divorce.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Zeus posted...
First photo of her didn't look great, but she's pretty hot in a lot of the others. Not exactly gold-digger quality, but very good-looking. At any rate, marrying a law student just means you're going to get screwed in the divorce.

He probably didn't even get a prenup...
3DS Friend Code: 4742 6214 5315 Add Me because I'll probably add you.
I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around. 0001 3388 9537, also.
Honestly i dont think id care if she was with me for the money as long as i could hit dat.
She's ugly and he's fat. Seems like a great fit to me.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
that looks like his daughter
Depend~ As I can't really tell at all.
https://card.psnprofiles.com/2/setsunah0186.png || Playing: Command & Conquer Ultimate Edition ||| Waiting: Two Point Hospital
Sounds like someone is gonna get

Whatever the cost, whatever the effort!
I'm inclined to go with yes she probably does love him. I mean the only bases to suggest otherwise is the appearance of the couple and I've seen plenty of guys who have good looking GF's and I wonder how they do it. Still even if she is a gold digger they are both happy with their relationship so that's all that really matters.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif
Shes hot.

Also, why the fuck is this news?
These pretzels are making me thirsty!
I wanna be a gold digger.
thank you for reading my post
regards, celebar
rexcrk posted...
Shes hot.

Also, why the fuck is this news?
Damn she's hot. Yup gold digger. But she looks pretty happy as well.
He looks like a fun guy and yeah she's hot
I'm sure there's something about him that makes her love him. It's probably green. He likely knows what she is because someone who looks like him and who is rich would HAVE to get a gold digger. If you were wealthy and unhealthy then wouldn't you be eyed up by a flock of gold diggers?
Zeus posted...
First photo of her didn't look great, but she's pretty hot in a lot of the others. Not exactly gold-digger quality, but very good-looking. At any rate, marrying a law student just means you're going to get screwed in the divorce.

How hot do gold diggers have to be, exactly?
I-I really needed this~~
Why does everyone think I like girls?
everyone loved king of queens, and that was a show about a stupid obese dude with a ridiculously hot wife, and we bought that their relationship could happen
The Inquisitive Demands Everything, People Only Despair Silly
I don't know. Her face is pretty BUSTED, and I've seen a more than a few REALLY good looking girls marry guys that were rough and didn't have money.
"Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear?! - Lucus - Empire Records
it's almost as if not everyone cares how their partner looks as much as they care about their personality
The Inquisitive Demands Everything, People Only Despair Silly
reason posted...
I don't know. Her face is pretty BUSTED, and I've seen a more than a few REALLY good looking girls marry guys that were rough and didn't have money.

A lot of women have self-esteem issues that make them think they don't deserve much.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
I also think she looks hot. But yea I'd say gold digger. But if I was rich.... I'd seek out my trophy wife in China or Japan.
Zeus posted...
First photo of her didn't look great, but she's pretty hot in a lot of the others. Not exactly gold-digger quality, but very good-looking.

Literally my exact thoughts
duckbear you will live longer if you don't constantly judge people on everything. why do you feel the need to insult this man that you don't even know?
Hey boys I will marry whichever one of you gives me the most money ok? Teehee (:
thank you for reading my post
regards, celebar
LittleRoyal posted...
Zeus posted...
First photo of her didn't look great, but she's pretty hot in a lot of the others. Not exactly gold-digger quality, but very good-looking. At any rate, marrying a law student just means you're going to get screwed in the divorce.

How hot do gold diggers have to be, exactly?

You can find the current specs in the handbook put out by the Gold-diggers Union.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
I wish I can be a gold digger
I-I really needed this~~
Why does everyone think I like girls?
Poll of the Day » 22 y/o Girl who Married a FAT RICH Guy says she's NOT a Gold Digger!! Is She???