How to tell someone they're eating too much?

Poll of the Day

My cousin has become very gluttonous. He's always eaten a lot, but he keeps pushing it further and it's getting to the point where it's concerning.

He was making fun of a friend of his that eats 4k calories a day and does heavy workouts. So we told him he easily eats that much and he called us liars. So we added up how much he'd eaten that day and it was over 12k. He doesn't work out or anything, so it's just a massive intake because he likes to eat.

His midnight "snack" last night was literally 6 eggs, 2 packs of ramen noodles, 5 boiled hotdogs and 2 small bags of potato chips. He generally goes back for seconds of the same amount. His breakfast this morning was another full dozen of eggs(he bought 3 dozen yesterday).

He's starting to gain weight, and I'm concerned over potential future health issues he may develop, but he gets super angry if anything is said to him and still just does as he pleases. The rest of us barely get any food at dinner because he'll literally stack 3-4 plates full of food for himself just so we won't get it. This is getting ridiculous and I don't know how to bring it up in a way that won't upset him and will still get him to understand that he's just eating way too much.
Work in progress, please be patient.