How to tell someone they're eating too much?

Poll of the Day

Sequiro posted...
As an obese person, you may or may not want to say stuff to them... they likely get all the ranting and preaching already from parents and doctors.
His parents are out of the picture, we've been raising him for the last 8-9 years, and we're basically his caregivers before that. He's 21 and still slim built, but you can tell he's starting to gain weight. He doesn't go to the doctor unless we make him and then it's because he's sick and his diet doesn't really come up.

Sequiro posted...
It also depends on reason why they eat. I know for me when someone starts ranting at me about my diet or health and they start preaching to me on how I should change, it just legitly makes me want to go grab a cheeseburger and devour it right in front of them in pure spite. I have literally been in a situations where I went in for a doctors appointments listen to them talk down to me for an hour. Walk out of their office and go right to a fast food place and order a bunch of food because fuck them
That's exactly how he is. We don't talk down to him(well, dad does but that a given). We try to give him advice and gentle encouragement to make better decisions, but even that ends with him doing things out of spite. Just to prove that he can do what he wants.

Sequiro posted...
For me I know its grossly negative to my health. Hell I nearly died in 2021 from complications with diabetes. But the pure facts are food is one of the few things in this world that bring me joy these days and I'd rather die at 40 with something that makes me happy than die at 90 spending decades miserable because I wasn't allowed the things that bring me joy. If I'm constantly unhappy whats the point of living? Just to mark time? Naw.
I don't think that's his reason. I think he simply has no self control and if there's food he's going to eat it. He's got no concept of other people and how his actions affect us. He never puts any money towards groceries and then he eats most of it himself. It's just frustrating to go out and buy $100 if food just to have nothing to eat a day later.
Work in progress, please be patient.