That 90s show kinda sucks

Poll of the Day

FrozenBananas posted...
Anyone saying theres nothing nostalgic or unique about the 90s was probably like 3 years old in the 90s
The 90s were great. I was 11-20 in the 90s: those were my prime years.

That said, they were great mostly because the culture wars hadn't really started up, the internet was coming online and exploding options for everything (but hadn't yet connected all of the wackos), and movies/etc were in a good spot. Society was healthier. (No, not perfect of course, but much healthier regardless)

None of that can really get played up well in a sitcom. I could get a cheap laugh from seeing a modem start up or early internet stupidity, I suppose, but it's not as visually interesting as 70s nostalgia. (And modems are played for laughs every 15 minutes or so as is)
Pronounced "Whup-pot". Say it. Use it.