Cousin is leaving used condoms all over the house.

Poll of the Day

TomNook posted...
It sounds like the typical response of someone who is dealing with a resident they didn't approve of, by telling the person who allowed that resident to be there to clean up after them (telling someone to clean up their dog's shit, or baby's vomit, etc). Can't remember if you said the mom allowed the cousin in when the dad didn't want him.
That's fairly accurate. Mom had joint custody with my grandmother. Mom was there to help everyday. When grandma died, mom was supposed to move in and take over caring for the kids until they turned 18 and could care for themselves. The older sister turned 18 a month after grandma died, and ran off and got heavy into drugs, so she's basically not in the picture any more(It's her son that we're caring for now too).

Also, mom's siblings threw a fit about her moving into her mother's house. It was bad, so instead she moved the remaining kid in with us. he was 12 at the time, that was about 10 years ago.

Despite all that, dad is simply is a total mess. He's always been a problem. Just now his hatred is directed at my cousin instead of me and mom.