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Cousin is leaving used condoms all over the house.

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Poll of the Day » Cousin is leaving used condoms all over the house.
He recently got a girlfriend, and spends most nights at her place. He comes home maybe 2-3 days a week.

The thing is, a couple of weeks ago he left a used condom in the entryway to the house. Dad found it and flipped out, made mom go clean it up. Cousin was already gone to work and back to her place before it was found. Couldn't leave it because the dog would get a hold of it...

We also have my other younger cousin staying with us now too. Yesterday mom went to wash some clothes for him and found one thrown on top of the washing machine. Once again he had just left, so there was no chance to say anything to him. He just put his clothes in the washer and left that laying on top... It's worse because our washer and dryer are in our kitchen. We sometimes put stuff on top of it as a makeshift table. Again, mom cleaned it up.

But I think he's about to be kicked out. Mom's going to speak with him next time he's home. If it keeps happening, I think they're just going to tell him to leave.
So, instead of just throwing them away, hes just leaving them over the house? And as far as anyone knows, there is no reason?
Official King of Kings
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around.
im gay
LinkPizza posted...
So, instead of just throwing them away, hes just leaving them over the house?
Apparently bringing them home with him, just to leave laying around. Yeah.

He's disgusting anyway, but this takes it to a whole new level.
KogaSteelfang posted...
Apparently bringing them home with him, just to leave laying around. Yeah.

He's disgusting anyway, but this takes it to a whole new level.

Yeah Its really weird Because he has to transport it all the way back home first to leave them there Its such a weird thing to do
Official King of Kings
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around.
LinkPizza posted...
Yeah Its really weird Because he has to transport it all the way back home first to leave them there Its such a weird thing to do
We thought maybe the first time was an accident. That maybe he was going to throw it away, and just dropped it at the entryway and didn't notice.

But there's no way he didn't know the second time. The garbage can is literally right there beside the washing machine. Just drop it in there like one foot away instead.
So, hes doing it on purpose it seems Maybe he has some weird reason for doing I have absolutely no idea what that could even be, though Well, I guess there are some very specific things I can think of But chances are its not those
Official King of Kings
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around.
LinkPizza posted...
Well, I guess there are some very specific things I can think of But chances are its not those
I'm curious. I honestly wouldn't put anything past him. He's a mean spirited, and spiteful person. If you don't feel like saying publicly you can pm me, or just say you'd rather not discuss it.
Are you sure the gf is real?
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song -
hes dropping hints
In the long run we are all dead
SunWuKung420 posted...
Are you sure the gf is real?
Pretty sure. There's no dragging him out of the house, even for something he wants. But now we can't keep him home because it's all about his gf.

Though, none of us have met her, but yes going out and staying with someone.
KogaSteelfang posted...
made mom go clean it up.

KogaSteelfang posted...
Again, mom cleaned it up.

is this like.. what are you doing step aunt or.. why does your mom need to clean it up
Jen0125 posted...
is this like.. what are you doing step aunt or.. why does your mom need to clean it up
Dad forced her to clean the first one. I offered to sweep it up, but he was adamant that she be the one to get it. He wants her to hate my cousin, so he just used it as an excuse to punish her for letting him live here.

Second time was just out of necessity. She was preparing to wash my younger cousin"s clothes and found it. The kid(9 years old) was with her, so she distracted him and grabbed it with a paper towel or something and threw it out before he could see. Bleached everything afterward.

Once again, both of my parents are livid. He's planning on moving in with his gf, but he's not in a hurry. I think things will blow up if this happens again.
KogaSteelfang posted...
I offered to sweep it up, but he was adamant that she be the one to get it.

your dad is a fucking freak
time to change the locks
Jen0125 posted...
your dad is a fucking freak
He truly is.
This makes me miss the 90s. Back then you could just slap the stupid out of him and nobody would so much as question it. We're devolving as a species.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
DirtBasedSoap posted...

What's better than roses on your piano?
A pickpocket that snatches y- wait, no... that's not it I messed it up let me try again...
Ozmose posted...
This makes me miss the 90s. Back then you could just slap the stupid out of him and nobody would so much as question it. We're devolving as a species.
Bit of an overreaction to jump straight to violence over something this trivial. Maybe speaking with the cousin could sort it out before resorting to such smallminded behavior.
His brain might have a problem with judgment? Carelessness? Is there weed involved?

Unless this is some 4D chess move fetish thing.
NeoSioType posted...
His brain might have a problem with judgment? Carelessness? Is there weed involved?

Unless this is some 4D chess move fetish thing.
He certainly does. He's quite challenged in some areas, especially judgement and knowing how his actions affect others.

I don't think drugs were involved. But he has been pretty sketchy lately, so I've been a little suspicious. No proof though, just suspicion due to new odd behavior.
That's disgusting. Kick him out.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
papercup posted...
That's disgusting. Kick him out.
I'm pretty sure that's where this is heading. Dad wants him gone. Me and mom were on his side since he can't really take care of himself on his own and had no where to go... But now he stays at her place more than he does here. He won't be alone, and it's been long enough that she should know what living with him takes. So, yeah, we don't really have much reason to let him stay aside from him already being here.
Sounds like she found a real winner! Tell her to enjoy the full package
Put the next one you find in his bed
Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
SilentSeph posted...
Put the next one you use in his bed

What's better than roses on your piano?
A pickpocket that snatches y- wait, no... that's not it I messed it up let me try again...
That might help Or make things worse But Id still say to try that
Official King of Kings
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around.
SilentSeph posted...
Put the next one you find in his bed

Better yet, save them up until you've got enough to replace his pillow, then remove his pillow and fill the pillow case with them.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Tag for later.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Hes flexing
Grendel_Prime posted...
Bit of an overreaction to jump straight to violence over something this trivial. Maybe speaking with the cousin could sort it out before resorting to such smallminded behavior.
Thats the thing people call that violence now a days
That's gross dude. Tell him to pick up after himself, or get a hotel.
2DS FC tempest 1478 9807 1205
DirtBasedSoap posted...

Bottom line love your self and what you do and GET THAT MONEY. **** every thing else! -shinwufang2
A dick move from a notoriously nasty guy. I see...
I just changed my mind on corporeal punishment after this!
girls like my fa
Are we sure its his? Have you had the DNA tested? I'm not saying It is, but it COULD be a frame job from a jealous cousin.
Spoiler: The dad was the mastermind
SilentSeph posted...
Put the next one you find in his bed
I'd have no problem with that except he shares the room with my younger cousin. We're trying to avoid having him find out. When he's around we just call it trash that was left out.

NinjaGhosts posted...
Hes flexing
( ._.)

NeoSioType posted...
Spoiler: The dad was the mastermind
You know, honestly this has crossed my mind. Dad found the first one and caused a huge argument over it. Then he was also moving some clothes from the dryer just before mom found the second one on the washer.

He's such a manipulative scumbag that I think he's actually do that. The thing is, I don't think he's smart enough for that. Plus, he despises my cousin and refuses to acknowledge that anyone likes him, so planting condoms kind of defeats his argument. I still think it's a possibility, but just a more distant one than my cousin just being nasty.
that's fuckin grody.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
adjl posted...
Better yet, save them up until you've got enough to replace his pillow, then remove his pillow and fill the pillow case with them.
do this tho
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
If theres a minor living in the house, Id start bagging up all his belongings and leave them in front of the house
VampireCoyote posted...
If theres a minor living in the house, Id start bagging up all his belongings and leave them in front of the house
You leave your crap around I leave your shit out by the curb
OK I had the same issue with a roommate!
From what youre saying, and youre going to know your cousin better than I do but if hes potentially that mentally disabled he may be suffering from something like being on the autism spectrum which can inhibit peoples abilities to fully understand social cues and what is socially acceptable and whats not(if something like that is the case it is legitimately not his fault and he needs the help of someone trying to deal with issues of that nature). If you think that may legitimately be the case, if your parents have authority like as guardians (heck they have some authority by providing him a home to live in) they need to insist that he see a professional of some kind to determine if this is his issue and maybe help him with it.

**** I do not directly recommend or instruct anyone to take the very same action that I did you have to judge based on your own individual circumstances, Im just sharing my experience***

If you dont think its anything that serious where he doesnt understand that this is just not acceptable. Then get some rubber gloves in a Ziploc bag and your mom your dad yourself whoever is comfortable talking to him just sit him down and confront him with the evidence. Just put it right in his face and explain to him that you dont want to handle his disgusting unmentionables any more than he would want someone leaving similar things in his bed. (if you really wanna pack a good punch, if possible get a hold of the girlfriend or wait till shes over there and drag this out in front of her). Embarrass the you know what out of both of them at the same time. Trust me as a female if she has even the slightest bit of a normal female mind she should feel some shame over this . If all else fails when I finally did my roommate was waited until I had a considerable size bag and I took half of them (with rubber gloves). I mixed half into his clean laundry putting them in a drawer of clean clothes that he reaches into regularly will serve a similar effect just stick them down in there where he cant see em right away. and eventually I made my roommate one of his favorite bowls of ice cream and I mix the ice cream up to where it was a little blended and well lets just say I think you can guess the special sprinkles I put in that. They were all His, so I was basically just returning his belongings that he was leaving in our public area of the house. I never had to pick up another dirty you know what after that.

Now sitting down and talking this out is obviously the best way to proceed, at least give him a chance to make it right but if he doesnt you got some good ideas on here there aint nothing wrong with loading his pillowcases with em. Or planting them all over his sock drawer. What hes doing is just Nasty, Unhygienic, Unnecessary, and most of all not proper to be doing where a child may be present, and a childs health and welfare always come before an adults preferences!!

This signature fully restores your HP/MP
But You're Still Hungry! : (
BrandySky posted...
OK I had the same issue with a roommate!
From what youre saying, and youre going to know your cousin better than I do but if hes potentially that mentally disabled he may be suffering from something like being on the autism spectrum which can inhibit peoples abilities to fully understand social cues and what is socially acceptable and whats not(if something like that is the case it is legitimately not his fault and he needs the help of someone trying to deal with issues of that nature). If you think that may legitimately be the case, if your parents have authority like as guardians (heck they have some authority by providing him a home to live in) they need to insist that he see a professional of some kind to determine if this is his issue and maybe help him with it.
I do believe this is the case. He's always been extremely slow, doesn't seem to be able to comprehend a lot of things. We took him to a doctor when he was younger to check his faculties, and they just said that they didn't think he had autism and sent us away with that.

It's almost as if he simply doesn't understand others exist. That he can just do as he wants and that's all there is. He seemingly has no concept that anything he does affects anyone else, because to him, no one else really factors in.

Some examples of his limitations. When he was trying to get a job, they asked for a photo id. So he brought them a picture of himself. He claims that he graduated college when he barely managed high school in special classes. He doesn't know the difference between high school and college and thinks he did.

The younger relative staying with us now is his nephew. He doesn't have understand the relationship to the kid. Sometimes he refers to him as his grandson, or uncle. Because he doesn't understand what a grandfather, father, son, grandson, and nephew are to each other. He just seems to grab one of those on the fly to refer to how they're related, because him being an uncle and the kid the nephew is too complicated for him. His understanding is that limited.

I mean, he's honestly doing well for himself. Actually got the job and has kept it. Drives himself there and back, and that was by far my biggest concern. Has found a gf and is looking to move in with her... Just, he's very problematic. It's extremely difficult to deal with him, and dad makes things so much worse.

He hasn't been home since we found the second one, but he's coming home tomorrow night. Mom had previously been adamant about talking to him about it, so we'll see how that goes tomorrow I guess.
That went better than I thought. He was told not to bring used ones home. To leave them where they're used. Was told how dangerous it would've been for the dog to have gotten a hold of the first one. Then told how disgusting it was for the second to be left where it was.

All he said "Oof." Then nodded in agreement. But hopefully that takes care of it, if not then I think the conversation will be much different.
Post #46 was unavailable or deleted.
Zangulus posted...
Guarantee you unlocked a kink for him.
Feels like he was already acting one out.
Post #48 was unavailable or deleted.
Zangulus posted...
Yeah but I bet he didnt think he could severely injure the dog.
Oh Lord...
KogaSteelfang posted...
Dad found it and flipped out, made mom go clean it up
Wow what an asshole. Sounds like he's the one who has the most issues here
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Poll of the Day » Cousin is leaving used condoms all over the house.
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