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How long would it take you to eat an entire rotisserie chicken?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » How long would it take you to eat an entire rotisserie chicken?

BADoglick to the Max!
The last several that I bought from Costco I ended up throwing away part of. I hate throwing away food, but at least Costco chickens are enormous and cheap.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
I don't really like dark meat, so I wouldn't eat the whole thing... but moreover

...I would feel really guilty

I tried making a cornish hen once and all I could see was a baby hen, 'plz don't eat me'
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When I worked in an office, I would buy one on a Sunday and split it up into 4 meals for lunch. So I guess a week? Although realistically, probably two days.
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I'd never be able to eat an entire rotisserie chicken, because I hate chicken wings.

I enjoy breasts (no jokes), and I'm willing to eat drumsticks, but I'd throw the wings out unless someone else wanted to eat them.

It's why if I ever buy rotisserie chicken at all, I only buy the separate breast-only ones.
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I could eat it in under an hour, but usually shred it up and have it for several meals throughout the week.
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Depends how I'm using it. Generally, a pound of chicken (usually thighs) will give us 6-8 servings of whatever I'm cooking with it, which is 3-4 nights, so I'd expect a whole chicken to last about a week. That's a long time to keep it, though, so I'd probably end up freezing some of it to use in a later recipe.
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I usually grab one, a loaf of fancy bread, and some broccoli and that's two meals for me.

If it was just the chicken on its own with no sides, I could eat it as one serving.
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An hour if I was hungry enough
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
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Metalsonic66 posted...
An hour if I was hungry enough
I last boss at my previous job would buy one every time he went grocery shopping with his wife and eat the entire thing before they even got home. LOL!
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I could eat a whole one in 20 minutes no problem if it is a food challenge.

I would only eat half at a time myself tho, and still would probably only take me 20 minutes eating casually.
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I'm not fat but I could eat the whole thing in one go if I wanted to.
I've eaten an entire one in one sitting before and I'm a normal weight.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
I've eaten a good chunk of a Costco size one in one sitting but that was years ago and I don't get as hungry now.

I could probably still do a normal sized one in a hour still though.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
I eat the equivalent of two rotisserie chickens every single day, even on vacation. I also consume about 10 to 12k calories per day in general. And I generally go to bed at night still feeling kinda hungry. I burn through a lot of calories though. My workouts are intense and I play hockey multiple times a week
BADoglick to the Max!
the entire thing? I'm not going to eat bone
Snowflakes of today: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will ALWAYS hurt me."
I did it in like 30 minutes about a month ago
im gay
BADoglick posted...
I eat the equivalent of two rotisserie chickens every single day, even on vacation. I also consume about 10 to 12k calories per day in general.
Yeah, I recall you mentioning this a few times already.
Never be afraid to show your emotions, even if they're fake.
SoreChasm posted...
Yeah, I recall you mentioning this a few times already.
imagine the focal point of your online personality being the fact that you eat too much chicken every day
im gay
I mean, if I really tried I could do it under an hour but if I ate just enough to satisfy me in a sitting then a couple of days
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DirtBasedSoap posted...
imagine the focal point of your online personality being the fact that you eat too much chicken every day
I miss Clench
Never be afraid to show your emotions, even if they're fake.
i was thinking like 20 minutes tops

with a hefty side of fries and maybe a salad if i'm feeling fancy
" so i...i lost the spanish porn and then i just for the rest of my teenage years had to masturbate to apollo 13 "
DirtBasedSoap posted...
imagine the focal point of your online personality being the fact that you eat too much chicken every day

That's the focal point of my real life personality too so at least I'm consistent
BADoglick to the Max!
BADoglick posted...
That's the focal point of my real life personality too so at least I'm consistent
Honestly, Im impressed by your dedication. Id die if I had to eat the same thing for an entire week.
Never be afraid to show your emotions, even if they're fake.
It would take me a few days.
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It would go bad first.

Im not much a fan of chicken, even less a fan of chicken with bones, so Id leave it for the bacteria and fungus.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
I only eat the legs, thighs, and wings. I give the rest to my wife.
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BoomerKuwanger posted...
Are people answering this as how quickly they could eat one or do a bunch of people really buy rotisserie chickens and eat the whole thing in one sitting? I mean I bet I could eat one in an hour, but I wouldn't
I usually eat half but when I was 220lbs (I am 170 now) I would periodically have an entire one (and nothing else) for dinner.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
One of the Costco chickens (the big ones), I usually get about 4 or 5 meals using the breast meat as an ingredient (for pizzas, pasta, rice, etc), plus at least 2 meals just eating the legs & wings, 3-4 if I use them for other dishes. That's how I can end up with one going bad so easily.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
There's a chain called "Old Style Chicken" (I guess that's how I'd translate it) in Korea that sells whole fried chickens and one is a meal. If I were buying a chicken for sandwich/salad purposes then I guess it'd last for a handful of meals and take a few days.
Two days for two meals for two people, but now they are so small the average child could eat one as a side.
dedbus posted...
Two days for two meals for two people, but now they are so small the average child could eat one as a side.

Are you getting Cornish hen rotisserie chickens?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Revelation34 posted...
Are you getting Cornish hen rotisserie chickens?
The ones they have at Walmart are pretty tiny. And cost the same as the Costco monster chickens.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
A few days.
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I don't know about a chicken, but I can eat a peach for hours
What would Bligh do?
I don't think Tom finishes his 3 chickens.
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I wasn't expecting to get asmr'd by Tom Green today.
Never be afraid to show your emotions, even if they're fake.
Poll of the Day » How long would it take you to eat an entire rotisserie chicken?