So I saw TOOL last night and those guys are mad fit

Poll of the Day

OhhhJa posted...
Some of the best drummers in the world are in their 60s. Metal drummers too. That's why I hate when people make the age excuse for lars when he's always been ass anyway

this guy was CRAZY on drums. my dad is/was a drummer (i say is/was because he's disabled and can't play but i feel like always a drummer at heart for him) so i always pay attention to them because that's just the instrument i love and was exposed to from my dad and brothers also trying to play.

this guy has double bass kick drums AND a third bass drum that he hits with a mallet. and he can drum so fast it's insane

Garlands_Soul posted...
Russell Mael from Sparks is one of the most animated performers I've seen and he's nearing his mid 70s if he's not already there

i just saw the misfits last july and they're in their 70s. they were AWESOME and so energetic even though it was like 120F and an outdoor venue. it was a great show.