What's the dodgy supermarket in your town called?

Poll of the Day

I don't know if we really have a dodgy one. All the big ones are pretty standard and the small ones are basically all ethnic ones. There are 2 Mexican ones, a Thai one, and 3 or 4 "international" ones that all their products come from east Asia.

If I had to choose maybe either the new Mexican store on the south side of town or the international one next to the strip club. The one next to the strip club I've only been in once but it was dirty and extremely unorganized. But they did have some products I havent seen at the other grocery stores. Same for the Mexican one, but I'll give the caveat that it was the week they opened and may just not have been fully set up yet. They took over the old pizza hut building and I couldn't tell where the customer area ended and the employee only area began, but as I ended up next to an oven making pastries I'm pretty sure there is an employee only area that I entered into. But there was also a shelf of priced product there so maybe still part of the store?
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Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015