Only 10 PERCENT of Americans say it's ACCEPTABLE for Neo-Nazis to have RALLIES!!

Current Events

Current Events » Only 10 PERCENT of Americans say it's ACCEPTABLE for Neo-Nazis to have RALLIES!!
Do you think it's acceptable for neo-nazis and white supremacist/alt-right to hold "rallies"?

A new poll is out that says only 1 in 10 Americans say it's acceptable for Neo-Nazis to have RALLIES as the shocking poll said these people are RACIST and white supremacist views of these disgusting people is unacceptable!!

This in the wake of the Charlottesville rally where white supremacist marchers clashed with anti-fascist protesters leaving one woman dead by a nazi

9% or 22 million Americans believe these views are "acceptable" whie another 8 have no opinion but the results are surprising after the outrage over Neo-Nazi presence at the violent Charlottesville march

Many politicians and high profile people spoke out to condemn these groups where Trump said there was GOOD PEOPLE in this racist bunch and he was quickly shut down by critics and people of his own party leaving his approval ratings lower than venereal warts

The poll unsurprisingly said the majority of Americans disapproved of his handling of the protest while 1/3 of people rejected his idea of him equating counter protesters to neo-nazis and white supremacists

10% of these respondants said they support the alt-right compared to 50% who oppose and 40 were undecided

The majority 60% do not support these groups

Do you think it's acceptable for the alt-right/neo nazis to hold rallies?

Poll -

American Nazis, the new alt-right -

Trump - Friend of the alt-right
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Tbh idc what less than .5% of the population do. I mean do their numbers even go up to the quadruplet digits?
There is a difference in supporting a hate group and supporting EVERY Americans right of freedom of assembly and speech whether you agree with the message or not
"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
Current Events » Only 10 PERCENT of Americans say it's ACCEPTABLE for Neo-Nazis to have RALLIES!!