47 y/o HOMOPHOBIC Michigan Man is now FREE after Murdering a GAY Man in 1995!!

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Current Events » 47 y/o HOMOPHOBIC Michigan Man is now FREE after Murdering a GAY Man in 1995!!
Do you think 25 years is an appropriate "life" sentence for "murder"?

47 y/o Jonathan Schmitz, the homophobic man who appeared on the Jenny Jones show and murdered the guest who said he had a secret "gay crush" on him is now enjoying his freedom after spending onl 22 years in prison!!

He was photographed outside a pet store and visiting a car insurance agent in Lapeer Michigan as the convicted murderer is back living with his mother and dad in their 3 bedroom home.

He spent the entire day running errands on his day off but was not keen on talking to dailymail reporters as his trailer trash family ATTACKED the cameramen who tried asking him questions.

He is under strict parole conditions which include not being allowed to leave Michigan or change his place of residence without permission of probation officers.

He was 24 in 1995 when he appeared on the Jenny Jones show with 32 y/o Scott Amedure when Scott said he had a romantic interest in him which apparently embarrassed and angered him..

Jonathan AGREED to appear on the show as the segment was on "Secret Admireres" as he was expecting it to be a woman and not his gay neighbor

He was so enraged and said he was "completely heterosexual" and 3 days afer the taping, he started drinking heavily and purcahsed a 12 gauge shotgun and went to Scott's mobile home and shot him twice at close range in the chest.

He called police and admitted he had murdered him and turned himself in after admitting the "shame" of being embarrassed on national television.

He was sentenced to 25-50 years for 2nd degree murder and although that was overturned, a retrial occurred with the same verdict.

Jonathan was granted parole and will be supervised until Augut 22, 2019.

The victim's faily were outraged over the release as they were troubled with not knowing if Jonathan had learned his lesson despife sentence given to him as they do not believe he is no longer a homophobe nor has gotten appropriate psychological care.

Do you think 25 years is an appropriate sentence for "murder"??

Jonathan - Free




Scott - Deceased


Scott and Jonathan in 1995 -




call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Question makes no sense. He wasn't sentenced to life. He was convicted of 2nd degree murder, which has a sentence of 20 to 25 years. He served 22 years. That's fair based on the rules of the justice system.
- The Admiral
I'm curious why duckbear doesn't use a spell checker. I mean, nearly every text editor, browser, and phone nowadays has some type of spell checker pre-installed. It comes off as amateurish when you don't proofread it, or even run your article through a basic spellchecker.
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself --- and you are the easiest person to fool.
I remember that.

he did his time.

no one deserves to be murdered over something like that but the dude probably had other psychological issues under it all and the humiliation of having something like this happen to him on national TV for the whole world to see was just too much
Wonder if he's a closet case.
NNID: awakened_link37 | Add me on Miitomo! Twitter: @awakened_link
Formerly known as Coleby
He served his time and ruined his life.
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
Fair I think
When it's kids, it's "bullying" but if it were adults, it's stalking, harassment, assault, criminal threats and just general abuse. -Tmk
He should have received the death penalty.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
He should receive kidney stones daily
gguirao posted...
He should have received the death penalty.


But he served the sentence he was dealt. Leave him be.
John looks like a fucking dweeb.
~snip (V)_(; ;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band! http://i.imgur.com/p9Xvjvs.gif
I feel sorry for the victim and his family. The 22-year sentence won't give them peace, unfortunately.
Current Events » 47 y/o HOMOPHOBIC Michigan Man is now FREE after Murdering a GAY Man in 1995!!