What will be the final "episode" of Star Wars?

Current Events

Current Events » What will be the final "episode" of Star Wars?

Obviously Disney can just keep making spinoffs forever, and we know another trilogy of some sort is in the works, but what do you expect will be the last numbered episode?

Id prefer 9, but I could definitely see 12 or 15.
Disney is going to bleed Star Wars dry, then beat the dead horse for another decade or two.
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"
Probably 12 if they're already planning another trilogy after 9.
It will never end.

After IX though I think theyll rest episode numbered films for a minute. Do the spinoff films and the Rian Johnson trilogy. See how those do and if they dont deliver money wise go back to numbered episodes.

I also think after IX that will end the trilogy set up. Theyll just use episode numbers and have storylines last as long or short as they desire
Depends on when you think the world will end.
The poster formerly known as Kakarot181: July 2, 2002 - March 14, 2012.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
He might be the president, but it's not his country.
They'll dig into the EU if they have to
"This is war . There are no spectator seats on the battlefield." - Griffith
Current Events » What will be the final "episode" of Star Wars?