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Olympians are HORRIFIED seeing DOG MEAT being Sold in South Korea!!

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Current Events » Olympians are HORRIFIED seeing DOG MEAT being Sold in South Korea!!
Would you eat Dog?

Almost ALL of the dog meat restaurants in PyeongChang at the Winter Olympics have disregarded a government request to STOP serving DOG!!

South Koreans believe consuming one million dogs a year is a summertime delicacy as the greasy red meat is boiled for tenderness and it increases energy and health

But activists launched campaigns to ban dog consumption with online petitions urging boycotts of the games over it

Local authorities asked the 12 dog meat restaurtants to stop serving the food in exchange for subsidies but only 2 complied

A government official said that they faced complaints from the operators stating it threatens their livelihood if they did that and some initially shifted to selling pork instead of dog but sales plunged sharply and went back to dog

Signs advertising dog meat such as boshintang (health boosting soup), yeongyangtang (nutrient soup) or sacheoltang (year round soup) have been replaced with yeomsotang (goat soup) to avoid giving a bad impression to foreigners..

Dog meat is officially "detestable" by Seoul, as is snake but it has no legal ramifications

South Korea tried hard to persuade them to change their menus as most see dogs as pets instead of livestock

Olympians were HORRIFIED with what they say as many are campaigning to stop the dog meat trade and ADOPTING dogs

Would you eat Dog? let's see if people would
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
What in the hell did these people expect? Like did they honestly believe that was a stereotype or something?
Who knew bananas could be so lethal?
Proud member of The Church of The Man-Emperor of Mankind.
I'd probably try it if given the opportunity. I mean I eat goats and cows and chickens and turkeys and pigs and fish... dogs aren't that different.
walk like thunder
When in Rome, fuckers
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
I'd probably try it to say I tried it, and to say the meat was a little rough.
Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.
- Arthur Schopenhauer.
I got tricked into eating dog when I was in Korea. It didn't taste bad, but it wasn't good.

That being said, these people need to shut their mouths. In some places, eating cow is a mortal sin. Now imagine how you'd react if a bunch of people came here and told us to stop eating steak and burgers.

FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
I know too many dogs to ever eat them.
It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. - The Doctor
respect the culture of the place you're visiting.
Warning: This post may contain triggering or distressing content.
its right to be horrified. who the fuck in their right mind would eat dog?
that being said, they shouldnt be in south korea if they dont like it
Yeah, that is so disgusting!
*Goes back to eating sausage, hot dogs, pate, sauerkraut, escargot, and caviar*
What breed of dog do they raise as food?
Or do they have, like, wild dogs that they hunt in the woods and on the plains?
when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
You have the right to remain silent, anything you post will be misquoted, then used against you.
Human is better than dog anyway
PSN: PurifyNothing
mrduckbear posted...

Are...are they eating puppies??
dog meat is very uncommon in south korea. you'd have to try pretty hard to come across a place that sells them.
MorbidFaithless posted...
I'd probably try it if given the opportunity. I mean I eat goats and cows and chickens and turkeys and pigs and fish... dogs aren't that different.

Yes they're that different. They weren't domesticated as livestock for humans. That's a pretty big fucking difference.
iPhone_7 posted...
mrduckbear posted...

Are...are they eating puppies??

nah, it;s just random pics from duckbear as usual.
there's not much meat to eat from puppies, they raised them until big enough to slaughter. just like people won't eat baby chicks.

on a side note, i was getting modded for implying that Chinese eats dogs. i guess the rule allowed it if it's Korean, huh?
You have the right to remain silent, anything you post will be misquoted, then used against you.
I feel like a broken record, but can we just exclusively do the Olympics in safe, proper, FIRST WORLD nations?

After Rio, Im surprised they even held the games. Its not safe for the athletes, fans, or officials.
Stand for the anthem or sit for the game!
southcoast09 posted...
I feel like a broken record, but can we just exclusively do the Olympics in safe, proper, FIRST WORLD nations?

After Rio, Im surprised they even held the games. Its not safe for the athletes, fans, or officials.

Imagine thinking South Korea isn't a "first world" country. Jesus Christ.
Well those people are ignorant as fuck if you ask me, other cultures eat different food. In America we eat cow where in regions of the world its forbidden but they dont come over and petition to stop it.
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When you're the guest...
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
eggcorn posted...
respect the culture of the place you're visiting.

Don't tease the octopus, kids!
southcoast09 posted...
I feel like a broken record, but can we just exclusively do the Olympics in safe, proper, FIRST WORLD nations?

After Rio, Im surprised they even held the games. Its not safe for the athletes, fans, or officials.

yes lets just hold a celebration of the people all over the world only in countries that are rich and developed. that'll really show unity!
Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
Fam_Fam posted...
southcoast09 posted...
I feel like a broken record, but can we just exclusively do the Olympics in safe, proper, FIRST WORLD nations?

After Rio, Im surprised they even held the games. Its not safe for the athletes, fans, or officials.

yes lets just hold a celebration of the people all over the world only in countries that are rich and developed. that'll really show unity!

Unity shouldn't come at the expense of safety imo. That's just not a smart decision. PLus we know there are definitely places that will NEVER host the games due to them being too poor and/or too dangerous despite unity claims so, your argument is very much moot.

Verdekal posted...
eggcorn posted...
respect the culture of the place you're visiting.


Why should you go to someone's house and respect their rules? Isn't the POTUS and most his supporters outright crying every other day about how they dislike foreigners coming here and not respecting America by doing unAmerican things?

ChainedRedone posted...
MorbidFaithless posted...
I'd probably try it if given the opportunity. I mean I eat goats and cows and chickens and turkeys and pigs and fish... dogs aren't that different.

Yes they're that different. They weren't domesticated as livestock for humans. That's a pretty big fucking difference.

There's no difference at all. They're animals, people kill them and people eat them. There's undomesticated breeds of animals people keep as pets and I'm sure you'd be bother by people even eating those.

Fact is, you're just emotionally attached so can't bare it but at the same time, there are people emotionally attached to animals you eat that are FORBIDDEN. Only culture make sit any different. At the core, they're just more edible things to eat. If it's edible and not dangerous to your health, clearly you were meant to eat it.
This is GameFAQs. People here take great pride in ignoring common sense.
eggcorn posted...
respect the culture of the place you're visiting.

this, though i wouldn't eat dog. they helped human's for thousands of years. earned man's best friend title.
I'd hate to be that guy. he'll be dodging freak accidents for the rest of his life now. Final Destination rules - RickyTheBAWSE
Don't eat the kaegoggi
"If you want to move fast, practice slowly...if you want to move like lightning, practice in stillness."
omega cookie posted...
I got tricked into eating dog when I was in Korea.

That's enough to fight.

Also dogs exist because we created them. We formed bonds with them, they've helped humanity in several ways and they wouldn't be here without us. That's how it's different from eating other animals.
pigs had significantly more developed brains relatively to dogs
Clone-Matsumoto posted...
pigs had significantly more developed brains relatively to dogs

We didn't make pigs.
I wouldn't eat dog since I don't eat mammals. However I love how meat eaters say this cute animal can be killed for food and it's ok, but not this cute animal over here.
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
ChainedRedone posted...
MorbidFaithless posted...
I'd probably try it if given the opportunity. I mean I eat goats and cows and chickens and turkeys and pigs and fish... dogs aren't that different.

Yes they're that different. They weren't domesticated as livestock for humans. That's a pretty big fucking difference.

But isn't the discussion about morality? Because what you just said is utterly irrelevant to the morality of it.
He which make friends with scorpion, soon come to find out what a scorpion does - they bite people with its tail --ancient Chinese proverb
TheGrindery posted...
Clone-Matsumoto posted...
pigs had significantly more developed brains relatively to dogs

We didn't make pigs.

Yes we do. We even put badges on them.
cjsdowg posted...
I wouldn't eat dog since I don't eat mammals.

No hot dogs or hamburgers?
ChainedRedone posted...
They weren't domesticated as livestock for humans. That's a pretty big fucking difference.

Most Tuna isn't either but we still eat it.
FFX is the best game of all time. The only good Nintendo franchises are Pokemon and Fire Emblem. Comics are for kids. Reylo Ship
When I was in Vietnam back in 2015, we were in Hanoi for 2-3 days. I found a restaurant that served it and ate it there. It was actually quite good. I'd eat it again given the opportunity.
All of the other animals everyone is using for comparison came to be without our input.
No, look at a wild pig and a farm pig, they're much different - we have successfully domestic pigs and other livestock.
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DirkDiggles posted...

No hot dogs or hamburgers?

Nope I miss them so much. I want burger SO SO SO SO bad. One fill with something that use to have parents.
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
twitterfriends posted...
No, look at a wild pig and a farm pig, they're much different - we have successfully domestic pigs and other livestock.

Not as companions and helpers that get praised and all of that. The attention and trust formed and all of that. Killing a dog outside of self-defense or mercy is quite a stab in the back.

And yes some people will play with the livestock they later eat. That's fucked up. If you're going to eat it, just make sure it gets food and water and all of that. Don't bond with it, ffs.
I really wish you could hear how ignorant you sound man, expand your cultural horizons once in a while, and what if dog meat is taste good as a delicacy. You have never tried it.
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Culture isn't a magical word that means absolutely nothing is fucked up. lol

I'm providing some reasoning for my point of view.
twitterfriends posted...
I really wish you could hear how ignorant you sound man, expand your cultural horizons once in a while.

This is also the gist of what a lot of people told me when I gave my opinion on the subject of arranged marriages.
Your point of view is perfectly fine but just keep it to yourself in your little bubble, gated community in suburbia America, once you visit South Korea please shut da fuck up lol no one cares about what you think.
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Well considering that people all over the world helped to create the dog, the whole thing applies to them too.

As for keeping it to no.
Westerners are mad because theyre used to putting personalized sweaters on their dogs and letting them live inside their homes. You cant easily go from having your dog lick your face and cooing to it like its a human baby to then seeing them roasted or put in soup. Cultural differences are a Mo Fo.
I personally wouldn't eat it. But mainly because I'm superstitious and don't want the dogs in my neighborhood to really hate me. I have a fear of dogs and their barking already.
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TheGrindery posted...
omega cookie posted...
I got tricked into eating dog when I was in Korea.

That's enough to fight.

Eh, when I got there they asked me if I wanted to try it and I said no. Not morally opposed to it, just didn't have an interest in eating weird shit. A couple days later, someone said "hey, try this" at dinner(Not uncommon, we're in a new country), I popped it in my mouth and they start laughing and tell me it was dog.

Not a big deal, but I did warn them that if they did that with snake they would be in for an apocalyptic ass beating. Snake is absolutely awful.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
That's a lot of disrespect. I guess they went ahead since you were outnumbered.
TheGrindery posted...
That's a lot of disrespect. I guess they went ahead since you were outnumbered.

No disrespect, just a prank between friends. Again, they knew I wasn't opposed to it morally, I just wasn't going to try it just for the sake of doing it. They would have never done it if they thought I would get angry, hence why I warned them about snake.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
Current Events » Olympians are HORRIFIED seeing DOG MEAT being Sold in South Korea!!
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