Whos situation was harder to survive? Gordon Freeman or the guy from bioshock 1?

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Current Events » Whos situation was harder to survive? Gordon Freeman or the guy from bioshock 1?
Who had it rougher?

Basically, it comes down to whether you think its easier to survive with less weapons (only 2 guns and 2 plasmids at a time unless you mind controlled a big daddy or hacked a turret) and no allies versus less coordinated opposition or with a large arsenal, an advanced power suit and having allies with you against a much more coordinated attack in Civil protection, while having to survive varied environments (ravenholm, nova prospekt)
alt-right is not synonymous with "white supremacist" or "neo-Nazi," - The Admiral
Current Events » Whos situation was harder to survive? Gordon Freeman or the guy from bioshock 1?