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Modern style is still ugly trash that should just be canceled and certainly isnt modern.
The other style is usable for the boards though.

Going through it, I find the new way of doing things makes it harder to use on mobile. Everything is just a bit too big and takes up too much precious screen space while the current way has things appropriately sized.

The system page with the games list is a confusing mess that goes on for way too long and popular multi platform games end up cluttering the top. I dont know if all games are valued the same, but there should be like some sort of weighting. Like exclusives are at full popularity value while multiplats have only part of their popularity counted.

Theres also no way to tell what makes a game popular. Like is it that the forums are active? Lots of views of the main page or guides?
I want a pet Lavos Spawn.
[Order of the Cetaceans: Phocoena dioptrica]