Saw Black Panther 2, my 9 year old cousin didn't know Boseman was gone.

Current Events

We went out to dinner before the movie, and he was super hyped. Kept talking about how much he loves the first movie.
When we were about to leave the restaurant, he started talking about he can't wait to see what T'Challa does in this one.

So, I quietly asked mom if we needed to explain that he's not going to be in this movie. She said I should tell him if he brings it up again. So, in the car he says that T'Challa is king now and we'll get to see him lead an army, and do all kinds of cool stuff. So, I bit the bullet and told him...

"That's not quite going to be how the movie goes."


"The actor that played T'Challa died. He's not going to be in this one, buddy."

"How do you know? Have you seen it?""

"No, but the actor is gone. This movie is going to be about Wakanda dealing with T'Challa being gone."

"So, there's no Black Panther any more? How can it be a Black Panther movie with no Black Panther?"

"There's still going to be one, its just not going to him any more... Do you still want to see it? We can see Black Adam instead(was his original choice before he realized Black Panther was an option)."

"No, I want to see Black Panther still. Whose the new Panther if it's not T'Challa?"

"I don't know, but we'll find out soon."

I was afraid that he'd be upset. As he was REALLY stoked to see T'Challa again. But he was ok with it and ended up really liking the movie any way. But man, that was a rough conversation to have.

TLDR: Kud cousin thought Chadwick Boseman was still alive, and I had to tell him that's he was dead. ^ My YouTube.