Dad is at it again(long rant and TLDR inside).

Current Events

As someone who has dealt with an abusive father myself, time to move out and cut him out of your life. The stress and walking on eggshells all day is absolutely killer. Even if you get a shitty one bedroom apartment you'll be so much happier not dealing with that bullshit.

I moved out suddenly after a massive argument over literally shampoo (I was being blamed for using his girlfriend's shampoo, lmao) came to a head, and then in Dec 2021 cut all communication from him after Christmas. He went on some drunken bender for two days just sending me and my younger brother nonstop abuse/hate messages and 'world war 3 is coming' nonsense. >_>
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool