Google is testing blocking ad blockers on YouTube

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Current Events » Google is testing blocking ad blockers on YouTube
Stocktwits is admageddon nowadays. I don't have a choice though since I sometimes browse it at work and I can't use Firefox or download addons/extensions on a work computer. So sick of it.

No_U_L7 posted...
Wait, some people really dont just pay for premium?

500 lols for this guy! lol
Time to mob their HQ? Biggest awkward meetup since the Area 51 raid.
HylianFox posted...
This. I use FireFox with AdBlock Plus and don't any ads, period.
Switch to uBlock Origin. AdBlock Plus allows certain ads to get through.
Eat the rich
Destroy the GOP
There will always be a work-around. Be it a plug-in, a special browser, a new kind of VPN, or any other of a thousand possibilities. Google can try, but they're not gonna force people to watch their unskippable rolls of 2+ 30 second ads. It's just not happening.

Culture as a whole has shifted away from ads. Tivo and other DVR devices make it easy to fast-forward through ads in recorded show. Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, etc. have spoiled even the average TV show viewer. Adblockers are extremely common.

Nobody wants to sit through ads anymore.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Ads on YouTube are insufferable.

I have them blocked on my desktop but not on my phone. Like I'm literally never going to buy work download anything they advertise me so f*** off already
twylite sprinkle
GT My Lord Shadow
"Your Grace, please, the people have surrendered..." "I didn't offer surrender."
It's completely trivial to implement ads that adblockers don't block, and slightly less trivial to insert ads into video streams server-side. Nobody does it, though, because the surveillance is lost.
Eh. Fair enough.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
There will always be a work-around. Be it a plug-in, a special browser, a new kind of VPN, or any other of a thousand possibilities. Google can try, but they're not gonna force people to watch their unskippable rolls of 2+ 30 second ads. It's just not happening.

Culture as a whole has shifted away from ads. Tivo and other DVR devices make it easy to fast-forward through ads in recorded show. Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, etc. have spoiled even the average TV show viewer. Adblockers are extremely common.

Nobody wants to sit through ads anymore.
Ok, so how do I get around the forced FreeVee ads?
#GoPackGo Not changing sig until EA loses the NFL license. #NFLdropEA Started 3/12/23
Solar_Crimson posted...
Switch to uBlock Origin. AdBlock Plus allows certain ads to get through.
I didn't mind this, as the ads it allowed through tended to be very non-disruptive. I switched to uBlock eventually, but that was because it was better at beating anti-adblocker scripts, not because of the allowing non-disruptive ads.
The only thing we have to fear is Trumble itself.
Payzmaykr posted...
Not much gets past my ad blockers, but I get advertisements between every YouTube video. It blocks me from watching videos in the browser, so I have to use the music app.

If you are still getting ads, like @wackyteen says your ad blockers and browser are fucking shit of the first order.

I have uBlock Origin, Ad Block, Ad Blocker for Youtube and Sponsor Block For Youtube installed on Firefox and I see no ads on Youtube.

It is time to install some new ad blockers.

What ad blockers are you using anyway?
All your base are belong to us. Been gaming since 1979. Xbox Live Account Sophitia99
CassandraCroft posted...
Sponsor Block For Youtube
Sponsor Block for pornsites is desperately needed.
I saw a Twitter thread about this and all the supplies were just slurping up YouTube and how they think this is a great idea.
BroodRyu posted...
I saw a Twitter thread about this and all the supplies were just slurping up YouTube and how they think this is a great idea.
Sounds like bots.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
I don't need YouTube

Now or never.
I got NoScript and an adblocker. Im immune to ads.

Also, fuck google. Wish people would upload videos to anywhere else but YouTube. YouTube died in 2017.
BroodRyu posted...
I saw a Twitter thread about this and all the supplies were just slurping up YouTube and how they think this is a great idea.
This slang isn't going to catch on because that's already a word that looks the same when you read it
~ Canard Elastique ~
FreeTube App is the desktop stand alone client that's ad free.
Eh, whatever.
Revnir posted...
Google has more money than most countries in the world
You missed the sarcasm?
YouTube was miles better before Google got their hands on it.

Plus what's the point of forced, unskippable ads when most YouTubers are doing sponsored shit like Manscaped or Raid: Shadow Legends while others promote their Patreon.
Come to Relax
voldothegr8 posted...
Twitch has been trying for years, good luck. There will be an extension for that.
This. There will always be another way.
SgtBash posted...
YouTube was miles better before Google got their hands on it.

Plus what's the point of forced, unskippable ads when most YouTubers are doing sponsored shit like Manscaped or Raid: Shadow Legends while others promote their Patreon.
I will never give youtube a dime of my money but don't they have a paid monthly plan that is ad free? I'm assuming they are cracking down on ad blockers to push people towards that paid bullshit.

Someone will always find a way around whatever Google tries to do to shut down ad blockers though. Maybe it's a new browser, or just an extension for current browsers. When the internet comes to a collective uniformed stance on something they are pissed off about it's an amazing thing.
i can't wait for a meaningful disruption to the online video industry.
I will never pay for YouTube

The only pro for giving them your card details is being able to view age restricted content, like sometimes PlayStation will have age restrictions on some videos, that's even with me signed in, I'm in my 30's so it's not as if I'm young.

The age restrictions BS seems to be either an EU or UK thing where you have to verify your age by either giving them card info or a pic of your passport.
Come to Relax
Ive passed out to a 30 minute youtube video and woken up to my phone in the middle of playing a 45 minute ad. If they want to block ad blockers they need to put some limitations on these things.
Dinosaurs built the pyramids.
I use ublock origin for my ad negating needs. In the future, if they find away against all ad blockers, I'll let AI recreate the video entirely, removing ads in the process. Another nail in the coffin for Google.
i wouldnt give a fuck about youtubes ads if they would just play and be done.

No... I'll be working and then an ad comes on. I wait about a minute and a half and the fuckin' guy is still talking. So I walk over to my phone and its a fucking hour and a half long ad.

That's bullshit.
"There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust." - Pinbacker
Yazarogi posted...
i wouldnt give a fuck about youtubes ads if they would just play and be done.

No... I'll be working and then an ad comes on. I wait about a minute and a half and the fuckin' guy is still talking. So I walk over to my phone and its a fucking hour and a half long ad.

That's bullshit.

yeah that needs to not be thing.
Dinosaurs built the pyramids.
SgtBash posted...
The only pro for giving them your card details is being able to view age restricted content
I used to use Vanced but now pay for Youtube premium because I like downloading videos for offline watching and having no ads when casting.
How quaint.
Smarttubenext for Android TV
Post #84 was unavailable or deleted.
CartmanMustDie posted...
I've been using Invidious. I believe it doesn't register as a view too so you can watch clickbait and trash videos without giving them a view. Age-restricted videos either take awhile to load or don't work outright though. I use yt-dlp (use --cookies for age restricted videos) to download those.
Invidious is pretty good. Age-restricted videos you can usually just switch instances and it'll work

For Android, I'm pretty happy using NewPipe x SponsorBlock
Can't watch youtube without ublock and sponsorblock. An age restriction bypass too helps a lot with the experience as well.
When I sin I sin real good.
FL81 posted...
Twitch has certainly been making it harder though
Been cycling through a few different blocking solutions, since they all seem to break after a week
speak of the devil, looks like Purple AdBlock got an update today
What do you all use to block ads on Twitch? What seems to be the most reliable thing? If I find something good then maybe I might get back to using it again.
DavidZ2844 posted...
What do you all use to block ads on Twitch? What seems to be the most reliable thing? If I find something good then maybe I might get back to using it again.
I use soundtv, purpletv and Xtra on android
Time to dive into the fireworks!
BipBapBam posted...
So Youtube is on its death bed then? Oh well, it had a good run.
I'd say it's more like the freedom of the internet just got diagnosed with another affliction

Hopefully this won't have any effect on youtube downloaders
I feel well put
divot1338 posted...
My only really problem with youtube ads is when one of them is a 53 minute Prager U ad.
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Current Events » Google is testing blocking ad blockers on YouTube
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