What FF should I play next?

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Current Events » What FF should I play next?
I love 10 and 14, think 16 was pretty good, don't care for 15, and couldn't get into 8 or 10-2.

Based off that, which other FF do you think would be up my alley?

I do like a good story as well.
Watch "Final Fantasy XV Abridged" and "Kingdom Hearts Abridged" right here!
6 and 7 are the GOATs. If you liked X, try 7 first
Ruthkanda Forever
6, 7, 9 and tactics.
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
VII or IX.
"A shouted order to do something of dubious morality with an unpredictable outcome? Thweeet! "
My FC is in my profile.
6, 7, or 9.

play 6 to see the best of the old school style.
7 to see where the modern games based their influence on
9 for the best the series ever became.

4 and 5 are good too. 8 is love it or hate it. 13 is uh. All flash and no substance.
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"Creed made better Pearl Jam music than Pearl Jam did" - shockthemonkey
Play 4, and work your way forward.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
Sounds like 7 remake shoul be right your alley. 9 is great as long as you have patience for the slow battles.

12 is really good tooo with some of the series best gameplay, but the story and characters are under developed.
Mas dicen, que en las dimensiones de nuestro ser... hay muchos detalles por conocer...
I have been eyeballing 6, so I might try that first.

For 7, should I just play the OG since the remake isn't even complete yet (and actually a stealth sequel thing or smthng?)...? I heard there's going to be a direct remake for the phones though, should I wait for that?
Watch "Final Fantasy XV Abridged" and "Kingdom Hearts Abridged" right here!
Rharyx211 posted...
I have been eyeballing 6, so I might try that first.

For 7, should I just play the OG since the remake isn't even complete yet (and actually a stealth sequel thing or smthng?)...? I heard there's going to be a true remake for the phones though, should I wait for that?
The mobile remake is a bare bones version (combined with the spinoff ff7 game, crisis core). I wouldnt consider that game as your first experience with 7. I would personally recommend the OG FF7. If you like it and get through it, then you can look forward to playing FF7 remake. If you dont like it because it seems dated, then I guess give FF7 remake a try.
Ruthkanda Forever
Cool. Thanks for the answers everyone.

Think I'm gonna go with 6, 7, and 9 in that order.
Watch "Final Fantasy XV Abridged" and "Kingdom Hearts Abridged" right here!
give tactics a go if you can, it's great.
11 the goat
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Nobody should play XIII or its ilk. Well, playing the soundtracks is fine since consideration was put into those.
Rharyx211 posted...
Cool. Thanks for the answers everyone.

Think I'm gonna go with 6, 7, and 9 in that order.

this is the way
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Tactics Advance
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Current Events » What FF should I play next?