Monster Hunter World vs Rise

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VeggetaX posted...
I mean this is Capcom. Of course you were gonna get some kinda DLC or expansion.

Oh no, it just literally stops. They patched in a proper ending and more stuff later, but the game truly just abruptly ends. It is extremely jarring and was abundantly clear it launched unfinished.

Gwynevere posted...
Releasing incomplete is nothing new to Rise. We had to wait months for content to come through for Monster Hunter Generations via DLC so weapon trees could be finished. World announced its first free title update very very shortly after release (Deviljho) and was incredibly bare bones at launch. I remember the only thing to do when it released was farm the same 3 or 4 elder dragons for decorations endlessly for months as an "end game" which was pitiful even for pre G rank MH games

That reminds me actually of just how completely ass the decoration farming was. Going back to charms in Rise being the RNG drop was so much better

World was very much a complete game. It had a beginning middle and end. End game aside, which all base games suffer with (though I didn't mind Worlds), it told a full story. Rise literally just ends out of nowhere, way faster than you think. They patched in proper stuff later after the fact, but it was an extremely jarring experience and it truly made me irritated. This isn't just "wait for the G version", this was "this game is clearly not finished". I blame the pandemic more than likely, but I really did not like it. That probably colors my opinion on the game negatively as well.

Also the rampages blow chunks. - Thanks GP cosmonaut!