Wow, Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon is actually better than Star Wars

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I might lose any film cred I have but I enjoyed it. Gave it a 7, or 3.5 stars out of 5 on Letterboxd. My short spoiler-free review:

Zack Snyder. One of the most divisive directors today - mega nerds love him, critics hate him. I usually fall in the middle and this is no exception.

This movie is completely ridiculous with stolen ideas from many better films and cardboard characters. But damn it looks great, has style, and I was entertained all the way through. That alone puts it above most of the superhero movies released this year, other than Across the Spider-Verse and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 of course.
Currently playing: haven't played anything since August. Something is wrong with me!