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Katie porter is getting dog piled on twitter.

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Current Events » Katie porter is getting dog piled on twitter.

Basically she said the primary was "rigged" referring to corporate money in political campaigns, but her word choice invoked thoughts of Trump.
Gt: justaguy3492
People on the left have to actually use language with care. We are held to account.

On the right you can just say whatever bombastic lie that will get the base riled up and angry and never face consequences. In fact, you are rewarded for being more absurd and irrational and punished for using reason and facts.
Current signature not available.
She's right. People are just doing the thing where they attack anyone who acknowledges flaws in our system and doesn't just go through the motions. You don't even have to be a leftist.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
The fact that Katie Porter is not treated as a national treasure is deeply shameful.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Meanwhile silence when conservatives accuse Dan Crenshaw of rigging his election.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
What major issues do Porter and Schiff disagree on?
shockthemonkey posted...
Yeah unfortunately we need to stop saying rigged to mean the system of money in politics allows overt manipulation because Trump has used it to mean vote tallies are outright false.

We can't just abandon language to the far right. That gives them far too much power and stops us from discussing important and real things.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
You can very easily and straightforwardly call out the bullshit regarding election finance without saying the election is "rigged" which clearly at this point people are going to compare to Trump rhetoric.

I still like her but that was fucking dumb.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
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Should've thought twice before that released.

Its a bad look. I feel bad that she isn't in Congress ( because she absolutely should) but this isn't the way.
Ernest Morgan: November 15, 1956-September 28, 2010: Best dad in the world.
Welp there went that star
Block_that_Kick posted...

Ari seems to have suffered from poor reading comprehension in the process of hunting for an "own".
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
both sides

Go eat a pancake
Rigging doesn't mean unfairly manipulating. It means fixing. The outcome is predetermined.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Not like this
Confirmed unbiased
She's right though
I like Katie Porter, and my post is simply speaking in general. But we have got to work on out messaging.....

Progressives and Democrats have great policy agendas, but god awful messaging.
Tyranthraxus posted...
Rigging doesn't mean unfairly manipulating. It means fixing. The outcome is predetermined.
But the outcome is not predetermined, so it really isn't rigged in either sense of the word.

A system sucking and a system being rigged are not the same thing. America's elections have never been rigged. You can theoretically beat an incumbent. A third party can theoretically win the Presidency
Billionaires fear her
ai123 posted...
The fact that Katie Porter is not treated as a national treasure is deeply shameful.

It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
This is why money shouldn't be involved in politics.
I believe in the Golden Rule and you should too!
If campaign adds needed to be truthful, there wouldn't be any campaign ads
Your mom
This is the same kind of whining we saw when Bernie Sanders needed everyone to stay in the race for Super Tuesday for him to win.

You're not going to get the race you want, so adapt.
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
rideshort posted...
This is why money shouldn't be involved in politics.

the oligarchs are gonna come after you
Go eat a pancake
Then she should campaign for campaign finance reform.
Getting high and playing video games is the best! I swear to ducking God!
Smashingpmkns posted...
She's right though

Looks like this gamer's paradise has turned into a gamer's hell...............................................
I thought that she and Schiff could still run for their House seats if they lost, and that was the only reason her running when he already is wasn't fucking stupid (his seat is safe I think, hers was super tight and basically only being held by Dems b/c it was her).

So now she's out of politics and Dems are losing a House seat, probably.
This fucking sucks.

As for her statement, it doesn't bother me, she was talking about campaign finance, not actual voting. But Trump has tainted the word "rigged" pretty badly
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Post #31 was unavailable or deleted.
thanks Katie, can't wait to hear this for the next 4 years every time we point out how Trump actually tried to overturn the election
She handled this like an absolute idiot
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
LightningThief posted...
I like Katie Porter, and my post is simply speaking in general. But we have got to work on out messaging.....

Progressives and Democrats have great policy agendas, but god awful messaging.
But only they have to. The alt-right get to say whatever the fuck they want and nobody will even question it.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
Excited for her next big brained take
Progressives have no place in this country most normal folk can't stand them
A worthless existence
At some point, liberals are going to have to learn how to get on board with a animating idea, an ideology if you will, and stop flagellating themselves over slights like using the word rigged in a perfectly digestible context. Liberals make enemies everywhere they go, they are beset on all sides by conservatives and they cast off progressives all so they can get fake mad over stuff like this. If the fate of the country and Democracy Itself is at stake in this election, which is what liberals ostensibly believe, then maybe you should be organizing politically around some goal to address that rather than engaging in this farce.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
This bitch sounds upset that she doesn't understand how to play the game.
SaikyoStyle posted...
But only they have to. The alt-right get to say whatever the fuck they want and nobody will even question it.
No where in my post did I say it's okay for the alt right to say whatever they want. I'm not here to help them. I'm here to help us and our messaging. You can improve our messaging while shutting down right wing talking points, those aren't mutually exclusive.

Our messaging needs work. Messaging like "defund the police" and the messaging surrounding antiwork, or any other message trying to be deep is/was a bad message. The last 4 years we definitely had several doozy slogans or messaging that were latched onto that honestly should have been dropped quickly.

The messaging needs to clique with swing voters, not with people who already agree with us of whatever deeper meaning the beloved slogan is saying. Thank God things like "defund or abolish the police" was finally dropped.

It's extremely evident our messaging sucks given so many aren't even aware of the accomplishments that we have gotten in the past 3 years alone. Those accomplishments aren't even messaged well.
Why am I not surprised that the same people bemoaning defund the police are getting their panties in a wad over this. Grow a fucking backbone or lick the fascists boots.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
You play by the rules until the rules change.
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
Lmfao she really thought she had this, huh
FunWithAFryPan posted...
Why am I not surprised that the same people bemoaning defund the police are getting their panties in a wad over this. Grow a fucking backbone or lick the fascists boots.
More like, some are just saying we agree with Porters message itself, just improve the messaging.

Also yes, "defund the police" was a terrible message. The point of slogans and messaging shouldn't be to resonate with people who already agree with you and understand whatever deeper meaning your message has. The point should be to reach those who don't agree with you already. Even worse, the message wasn't even popular with the Democrats (which btw most agreed with the deeper message, but didnt quite like the slogan), but you had some stubbornly not letting go of the slogan.

If your message has to constantly be translated, it's a bad message, even if those who already understand what you really mean, agree with the message.
FunWithAFryPan posted...
Why am I not surprised that the same people bemoaning defund the police are getting their panties in a wad over this. Grow a fucking backbone or lick the fascists boots.

Defund the police was stupid as fuck. Can you guys grow up? Or is the Tik Tok brain generation perpetually in a state of spitting out the stupidest catch phrases possible for attention?
'We shouldn't allow billionaires to dictate our elections' is a pretty straightforward message.
LightningThief posted...
No where in my post did I say it's okay for the alt right to say whatever they want. I'm not here to help them. I'm here to help us and our messaging. You can improve our messaging while shutting down right wing talking points, those aren't mutually exclusive.

Our messaging needs work. Messaging like "defund the police" and the messaging surrounding antiwork, or any other message trying to be deep is/was a bad message. The last 4 years we definitely had several doozy slogans or messaging that were latched onto that honestly should have been dropped quickly.

The messaging needs to clique with swing voters, not with people who already agree with us of whatever deeper meaning the beloved slogan is saying. Thank God things like "defund or abolish the police" was finally dropped.

It's extremely evident our messaging sucks given so many aren't even aware of the accomplishments that we have gotten in the past 3 years alone. Those accomplishments aren't even messaged well.
I know that and I know youre not. Thats just the reality of it.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
What is so bad nuclear about defund the police that it needs to be translated? Furthermore, why sabotage your own activism when you could be spending that time and energy supplementing a goddamn protest slogan, something designed to be chanted by crowds of people in unison, with policy proposals? Perhaps defund the police or the election is rigged are good at catching the attention of the average voter, and then in the economy of that attention you bring messaging like we should be diverting misused funds for the police into more proven effective social programs and public services. Thats better messaging than oh gee Im so sorry we should have never said that, please put your boot on my neck.

If you care so much about better messaging, look in the mirror. Youre the one ruining it.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Defund doesn't mean divert, your slogan literally fails on word one. Horrendous.
ClayGuida posted...
'We shouldn't allow billionaires to dictate our elections' is a pretty straightforward message.
Given Trump is a bright elephant in the room who has been crying the election was "rigged" against him for the past 5 years, it's not exactly a great idea to use that word. Even if we understand what she really means.

Porters meaning in her message is completely right. The execution of the message is the only thing I'm addressing as this message needs to clique with the average swing voters and independents who have the memory of a goldfish. Not people who already like Porter, like us, who knows she isn't being a Donald Trump when she used the word "rigged."
SunburnCostanza posted...
Defund the police was stupid as fuck. Can you guys grow up? Or is the Tik Tok brain generation perpetually in a state of spitting out the stupidest catch phrases possible for attention?
Im not the Tik Tok generation, so miss me with that.

I noticed you didnt actually say why its stupid as fuck. Do you have a reason or do you just love rolling over and showing your belly at the first sign of resistance?
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Current Events » Katie porter is getting dog piled on twitter.
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