I got cussed out by a coworker, and it might get worse.

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Ok, so I work the front desk of a hotel. It's the overnight shift, so I was also generally responsible for setting up the breakfast before the breakfast workers arrived. Not a big a deal, but they began to get an attitude if my job at the desk kept me from getting everything fully set up for them. Generally, if I do everything, they wouldn't have to do anything for about an hour or so after they arrive. They also regularly leave piles of dirty dishes, rancid milk, and waffle batter out to go bad which I have to clean up on my shift that night.

Well, it was a race weekend, and we sold out Friday and Saturday nights. And they both hate working busy weekends so they both called out in Saturday. Which left me to stay and do breakfast by myself for the whole hotel(which they refused to do as a team because it's too much work). This was on top of my regular shift. So after it was all done, I did all the dishes, cleaned off all the tables, cleaned the countertops, took out all the garbage, made sure the juice machine was full... There were only 2 things that I didn't do. I didn't put bagels on a tray and gave it waiting for them, and I forgot about the trays underneath the waffle makers that catches spills. So those had some spots of dried batter on them.

Anyway, when she arrives this morning she starts shouting about the waffle trays. Calls me over and starts yelling at me for not cleaning them, which I apologized for and said that I forgot after a long 12 hour shift and being stuck doing everything on my own. She kind of played it off as a joke, and said if it had been anyone else she'd be cussing them out... She also said she probably wouldn't be able to set everything out in time since she's going to be cleaning up after me(which she didn't even do btw).

The thing is, she doesn't realize that the door to the office is not sound proof, and she's very loud. I heard cussing about me to herself. I heard her say that next time she's going to come in late so I have to deal with all myself. Then she saw the empty bagel tray... And my god, that pissed her right off. She started screaming about me not doing my job, and fussing that she has to put bagels out herself instead of having it done for her, and saying I'm lucky that she doesn't walk out. I overheard her start making up lies too, like claiming the juice machine was empty and how she has to do everything. So I stepped around the corner and told her "The juice machine is NOT empty, I made sure of that." Then she started claiming the trash was running over, and asked her to show me since I changed all the garbage before she arrived and had everything ready for her except the bagels. She just said that the trash would've been overflowing if I hadn't changed it... Uh, yeah, no duh. That's why I got it for you.

Anyway, that lasted about half an hour of her cussing and fussing about me like 20 feet away. I was so close to confronting her and telling her off, but there were guests around and she was still fussing in front of them. It didn't stop until her helper showed up and she got to sit out side and smoke for about 40 minutes before my shift ended.

I did tell my manager, and they said she's been a big problem lately. I complained about it to my mom, y'know just to vent, and she called her friend who works in management and they're going to file a complaint on my behalf to the big boss...

So yay... She's probably going to either get written up, or just get talked to about it. In which case she'll either hold a grudge against me and cause more problems just because, or just straight up quit.
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