What did you dream about last night CE?

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Current Events » What did you dream about last night CE?
Had a crazy dream last night

It started with me coming home to my new place and dere were a family dere dat somehow got in lol. Like 10-12 people decided to just walk in and make it deir place. When i get deir i get mad and line dem up in da living room acting all tough and crazy trying to scare dem, which works, and i start interrogate dem asking what dey are doing here and who are dey

Apparently dey were da old old home owners and on a whim just wanted to live in dis house again(lol wtf) but i told dem to get da fuck out which dey do in a hurry and I thought dat was dat.

Until i found one of deir kids had left deir phone in da kitchen so i suspected dey'd be back for it, which i was right but dis time dey had a secret weapon...

So i hear a knock at da door, i open it and dis family are all at da door again except deir is one more person, a woman with red curly hair and glasses dat has da nicest smile I've ever seen, somehow dey had found out my weakness wtf???

I let dem in and dis redhead does all da talking, all da apologizing and says dey will never do dis again if i truly want that but all I'm doing is nodding like an idiot lmao, until i hear one of dem say dat its time to go. She gives me a hug goodbye(shocked me) and dey start leaving when i look out da window and saw one of dem hold something and acting as if dey were da happiest ever. Dats when i realized dey had distracted me in order for dem to steal something hella valuable!!

I get mad and decide to follow dem until dey reach dis house and get in. I go and knock at da door and dis old shirtless guy opens up and dats when i wake up,

i never got closure ;(
told someone named Brian I was naming my son Brian (this is not real), but after the character in Quest 64, not him
entered a bowling alley with an outside beverage container and was told quite bluntly by staff to discard it. complied, but critiqued his customer service. then entered the bar, where instead of drinks they had various things to smoke (not a smoker), and I selected a cigarillo after much study
equites quattuor in aeternum
Ahh damn I had another Ex-gf dream. We entered this tunnel shaped like a horse's shoe. On the other side of it was an exit that led to like a barn with horse stalls. We entered one of the stalls and initiated nsfw contact. That place transforms into the backseat a car and we get out to a parking lot. There are a handful of bananas now in our hands. My ex was telling me the proper etiquette for eating them but they didn't make any sense. Like I could only eat certain types of bananas with the brown spots and if I eat them it has be with someone else munching on them too at the same time. I dropped one of the bananas and a random passerby steps on it.

That's all I remember
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I actually dreamed about someone from CE
She rings like a bell through the night
I dreamed that I was driving through the woods when I came to a river. The bridge across was really rundown and simple, with no guardrails. A large pipe hooked to some sort of pump was lying across it, as well as some wooden skids that almost looked like a barricade. Something in my head was screaming that this place was really dangerous and that I should just turn around and leave, but I got out and dumped the skids into the river. I got back into my car, through the passenger door so I had to awkwardly scoot over the center, then I drove off and absolutely nothing bad happened.

Later I was in this corner store or something talking to an older man about this giant book I had. It had illustrations of various military uniforms, but the only color printed was pink. I remember there being British Lancers and Trotsky's train guards.
Want some rye? 'Course ya do!
I only remember the final part of my dream when I was lurking in one of the CE discords and I read a user's review of the Sennheiser HD800s. It made no damn sense and I kept seeing mention of the "HD600" repeated over and over again. Damn that reviewer must've been ME! I'd totally do that.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I legit had no dream last night

My dreams aren't as vivid anymore as they were like a few months ago. My fave dream this year was the one with the tsunamis and me being crushed by falling rubble. I thought I was gonna die in that one for sure.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I dreamed I was visiting some place and a little girl was trying to steal my cat
She rings like a bell through the night
Ok so IRL i used to watch this prank youtuber when I was in highschool.

Anyway, I dreamt that I was in a crowd watching him perform a stunt that involved an actor stabbing him with a real glass shard. So he got stabbed once and started withering on the floor for a bit as blood was gushing out. Then he stood back up and made the actor stab him again. This time he stayed down and started alligator rolling on the ground. His body and neck were rotating but his head stayed in place. After a while he uhh got decapitated.

Some of the crowd thought this was all fake before he got decapitated.

well i thought this dream was quite gruesome.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Do you also sometimes have such weird dreamlike thoughts shortly after waking up?

I woke up, not remembering any dream at all, was in bed, lying there, open eyes, and 30 seconds later I was like "Hmmmm... Some strange totem in my bed would be strange" and I truly had some image of some black totem standing next to me in bed in my mind.

Seriously, that was freaky uncanny spot between imagination and hallucination.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
I dreamt benefits from re3 was chasing me. It was awful. I had almost exactly the same dream 20 years over. Weird.
Come join us at the Sudoku + Other Pencil Puzzles Community Board.
I did have a dream last night but idr it well. Pretty sure I was living in a hotel or whatever.

Karovorak posted...
Do you also sometimes have such weird dreamlike thoughts shortly after waking up?

I woke up, not remembering any dream at all, was in bed, lying there, open eyes, and 30 seconds later I was like "Hmmmm... Some strange totem in my bed would be strange" and I truly had some image of some black totem standing next to me in bed in my mind.

Seriously, that was freaky uncanny spot between imagination and hallucination.

That happened to me after I watched this movie called The Outwaters:

I woke up from a nightmare that was influenced by this movie. I did not want to go back to sleep so I've been up for the past 2 or 3 hours now. Passed out around 5 pm and woke up around 1130 pm. Felt so scared and had to turn my light on lol
so freaky. i dreamt that a malformed version of the blonde chick from the movie was trying to kill me. was in the mojave desert too. some other stuff went down but i don't remember it too well now. i woke up right before being killed but passed out about 10 mins later and the dream continued so I woke up again and stayed awake lol.

^ My original comment about it from like last year

Although what I didn't mention was that I did see the silhouette of the malformed lady briefly after I woke up
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I was living in this hotel and saw Jake Paul in the lobby complaining about the raggedness of the building's walls. He left with a bunch of papparazi

I was eating dinner in a room w/ my family. I start to notice Jake Paul's complaints when inspecting the wall.

That's all I remember lol.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I dreamed dere was a brush fire heading straight towards my home, it got hella close until i woke up
I was scared of failing a math class in my dream.

That's all I remember
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Vegy posted...
I dreamed dere was a brush fire heading straight towards my home, it got hella close until i woke up
Was the brush fire horny?
I just remember the part where a dentist was analyzing my mouth. There were pieces of bone stuck in my gums

Prob based on me finding like a small bone stuck in my molar gum. Might be from bones chicken wings???

Another time I found more bone fragments in the some area and it hurt a lot. Prob from some beef stew I ate???

I just fish them out myself.

I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I had a dream that I loaned a bunch of swords to some sort of museum, but someone had taken some of them out of the displays and drilled holes into the blades. I was absolutely livid, angrier than I've ever felt in real life. A bunch of people got together with me to try to find out who did it and how. I remember a guy saying "oh great, they've sent the two ugliest idiots here to help us," and I was like "c'mon dude, they're trying to help us out."
Want some rye? 'Course ya do!
I've been having some weird "liminal space" dreams where I'm trapped in old video rental stores and etc.
aka TritochZERO
I can't say since it would be horny posting.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
I was on my roof at night and I happened to witness a plan crash. Then more planes just started to drop from the sky. One dropped right near me and began rolling toward the house so I had to run, possibly jumping off the roof to avoid it. But then a ladder from a helicopter fell in front of me. I grabbed hold and was carried away. Climbed up into it and discovered the cast from office space had saved me
More to do with the humidity than heat
I was driving a moped and I hit a part of the road with a crowd of pedestrians blocking it. so I just parked the moped on the sidewalk next to a tree

Idr much else
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
my grandma was a wind up toy and was chasing me throughout my childhood home trying to kill me. whenever the toy would go out, she'd politely ask me to wind it back up only for her to start chasing me again.
idk why i kept winding it up for her, but she is my grandma after all.
I had a dream that I was attending Raw live, but it was being held at the Mall of America like the first Nitro. Anyway during the show Seth Rollins does an in-ring promo where he mentions Tony Khan by name and calls him pretty much everything people online call him.
Every day I wake up and promise I will be nice to everyone, then I deal with people at work and remember why that will never happen.
Post #225 was unavailable or deleted.
I dreamt about a swinger couple

Wasn't the entire dream though there was a lot more going on but idr it too well now
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I dreamt something dat would get me modded
Vegy posted...
I dreamt something dat would get me modded
Did u get in touch with your horny self in that dreams? Pororin!
I don't know what it was about exactly, but I do know Red XIII was there. Judging me silently while in the police station from Resident Evil 2. For some reason I feel he was either judging me for horny, or because I literally couldn't figure out how to open a regular door.

It was one of those confusing dreams, where my brain was catching onto it being weird and trying to control it, then I broke it.

OH... I still remember this absolutely horrifying dream I had a few months ago... maybe I'll share that. I will warn however, it was terrifying and I woke in a shear panic. I also apologize in advance if it's too scary/gory for Fandom.

First part of the dream was in third person, very similiar to Silent Hill 3 in the mall, with a dark abandoned mall with a woman sent there by her boss as a journalist/investigator. There was an arguement that led to her being sent there on assignment. I remember her walking down one of those back hallways for staff/employees and looking at stuffed animals, before eventually wandering to this locker/shower room with a glass front into the access hallway. That's when things really got weird.

Perspective suddenly sucked in like a video game to first person view, I looked around and realized I was now the woman. To better paint the layout, you entered the room via double glass door. To the right was a wall, to the left was a longer open area with a sauna room at the very end, to the back wall were two glass divided shower areas. I looked around at a desk, then saw blood stains fading in and out on the walls and floor. I looked again and that's when I realized the showers and sauna room were absolutely stacked with dead, dismembered bodies with blood leaking out.

As I stood there absolutely stunned, I could feel something grabbing my ass, but nothing present. Then at the opposite end of the main room/open area near the sauna room, was this gruesome looking man walking towards me. He started saying "Get out... Get out... GET OUT" as he's constantly closing in on me. So ofcourse I'm now running to my left to push through the glass door freaking out. I get about 10-15 feet down the hall, look back to see he's right behind me and swinging something at me.

That's when I jolt awake, calm myself down, and have a moment of "wtf was that..."

Edit: This is why I latch onto the cuddly/affectionate dreams, like when I got pulled into a cheetah pile or that giant black panther I posted about near the start of this topic. They're few and far between, I used to get stretches of ultra violent/horror ones.
Dreamt about:

  • Some guy trying to steal my dog when I was out walking. This woke me up for a bit. I even moved my body irl to prevent the thief from reaching my dog
  • My cousin dying in her sleep after a night out
  • That buff white house chef

Bunch more stuff im missing. Felt like I dreamt a lot. I also slept for a 9-10 hours period of time broken up. I prob do have sleep apnea
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I keep dreaming about going to Mexico and my fam over dere, haven't seen em in like 15 years
So, felt this was fitting to post.

I dont recall everything, but last night was easily the most vivid dream Ive had in a while, maybe ever. The funny thing, I guess, was that it was a dream within a dream. Yeah, I know.. Inception, basically, but thats what it was.

The initial dream was pretty typical. I dont remember details, and it was your basic weird dream with random nonsense that didnt make much sense. But I remember at one point going into a closet, going under a blanket, and going to sleep. Thats when I entered the dream within a dream.

I was in a house. Pretty boring, nothing special, but when I was in the dream I was 100% aware that I was in a dream. Now.. was I aware that I was 2 dreams in? Or just one? No idea, but I recall specifically calling that out in the dream, and maybe even trying to pinch myself to see if itd wake me up, but it didnt work and I knew I was stuck in the dream.

There were 3 other people in the dream. I have no idea who one was, but the other two were old friends of my mom and neighbors that I havent seen or really even thought about for over 30-35 years or so. One was a dad from then, the other was his daughter. They both had aged and were, much older than what they would have been back then, but since I havent seen these folks in that long, it was some weird hybrid of my brain filling in the blanks and aging them from what I could remember.

I talked with them a bit, fully acknowledging to them that I knew I was in a dream, but that the whole thing felt and seemed nearly 100% like reality. The only thing that was not real-seeming was the daughter turned her head at one point and her eyes got fucked up for a few seconds, like a bad AI rendering, then went back to normal.

Then there was some stuff that happened which I cant get into details here about because, well, hornyposting, then I think things kinda faded out and I snapped awake, for real.

It was on one hand the most benign and boring dream in the world, but also the most real seeming one Ive probably ever had.

I had like 2 Blue Moons at dinner last night, no weird stuff or anything, so no idea what may have caused this to happen. I fell in and out of sleep at least a couple of times and had other normal dreams that I cant recall too much of, but that one segment was just really fucked up with how real it seemed.

It is also funny how so many of the dreams here get into horny, and this was no exception. Although it was only a small portion of the overall dream for sure.
"Creed made better Pearl Jam music than Pearl Jam did" - shockthemonkey
It was a dream about Kingdom Hearts 2 I guess. Sephiroth sent a challenge letter to Cloud, and normally we would go straight to Sephiroths location, but the letter seemed to be on a Winnie the Pooh birthday card of sorts. So I went there instead, and there was a secret cutscene/moment where there were a few heartless in there, which there never are in the game proper. I think my sister mightve been there, I dont remember.
All I remember is that I was at a graveyard. I don't remember why.
My last two dreams haven't been vivid

The 1st was kinda school/bmt related. I remember seeing this one person that I knew irl when I was in the airforce. Idr anything else

Thw 2nd one from this afternoon was in a kinda futuristic setting. I was using this supercomputer to look up info on aliens and other things paranormal
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I dreamed my grandma had died. My other grandparents have all died, so I can't help but think it could happen anytime. She could also live to 100 or longer.
Your words are as empty as your soul
TerraSeeker posted...
I dreamed my grandma had died. My other grandparents have all died, so I can't help but think it could happen anytime. She could also live to 100 or longer.

On one side mine lived only into their 60s one 62 one 68. On the other side both made it into at least mid 90s.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
I had a bunch of mini dreams i can't remember much about lol
I dreamt that I was posting highly embarrassing stuff on here and I couldnt stop my body from doing it

I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
fell asleep at around 2 pm and woke up around 920 pm eastern time.

I dreamt about spending the night at this guy's house. I used some app to meet him i guess. He looked similar to someone i knew in the past. We just slept on a waterbed together but I tried to initiate something else originally. A woman popped out of nowhere and slept between us

I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Vegy posted...
I had a bunch of mini dreams i can't remember much about lol
Mini dreams seems like an A-cuppers of of dream while Big dreams is Badonkadonks of dreams soft and plushy make it easy to get memorised pororin.
So the only thing I remember for 100% sure is the part when I posted a smiley in a chatroom and then deleted it a few seconds later. It gave me bad vibes in my dream to leave the smiley on there.

Now I'm not certain of this but I'm pretty sure at one point in my dream i was fending off against a person w/ a knife. Not sure why I think this though.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Dreamt of dreams past, and their meaning
I had a vividly sexual dream - like, you usually wake up before the good part happens
aka TritochZERO
_Valigarmanda_ posted...
I had a vividly sexual dream - like, you usually wake up before the good part happens

I had something similar once but it was more than that like flashes of a life where I had found my perfect love. Caused me to be depressed when I woke up
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
I had a dream my sister was an aes sedai and she was casting spells in a pool to move around giant blocks that I was platforming around on.. but I knew how to use the light / magic better than she did so I instructed some of her technique better.

In order to attach these giant blocks and move them around she was reliant on first magicking tape and attaching it to the blocks? So I tried to show her that the tape wasnt necessary.. etc.
Now or never.
The other night I dreamed I was working at a different location within the same company (not a real location) and a lot of my coworkers were there. That store was a shitshow and they told me to make 10 virgin pina coladas and I was like wtf I'm not even a bartender lol.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Dreamt that I was playing oldschool rs lmao

Also there were others parts that are less clear to me now to describe. Should have jot it down earlier.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
I remember a character in my dream saying some derogatory things towards another character. Dont wanna say what it was

Rest of the dream is hazy to me now
It did involve walking through a hall with a lot of ppl. Mightve been a school.

Also I keep thinking about an airport and an apartment complex for the past few dreams that I try to remember.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Dream 1:
Setting: highway
Characters: my younger brother

Scenario: my younger brother was in the back seat giving me instructions on how to arrive at a certain place. I kept missing my exit and had to reroute. This went on several times and I began to panic a whole lot

Dream 2:
Setting: bus & a multi-floored building with long hallways and lots of rooms... it was probably a mall now that I think about it but people lived in it
Characters: three people I've known irl. The rest (many) were less detailed.

Scenario: on a bus sitting next to a friend that I had 5+ years ago. The bus hit something and my head flung to her lower section. I noticed something about that area that made me think impure thoughts. She pushed me off. The bus reversed parked on the right side of the highway somehow. The front 1/3 was nearly blocking an entire lane. A huge truck almost drives into it but manages to veer off. The truck parked next to the bus and out came 5 men. They harassed some of the passengers leaving the bus including my friend and me.

I walked with my friend along a sidewalk chatting about random topics. Umm tbh I was trying to veer the conversation into asking her if she was dating anyone. I had a major crush on her at one point irl and I do recall her saying she thought I was kinda hot on first impression. Though she was always with someone else :(. We get transported inside a multi-floored building somehow. Never saw its exterior. We walked down a hallway together till we hit some double doors and she told me that i should take a different path from her. Ok so I spied on her from afar and saw them following another person down some stairs to the basement levels. I walked away from the top of the stairs initially but then felt like something wrong was about to happen to her so I tried looking for them to no avail. I teleported (I could do this in my dreams if I remember it) up and down many floors too. I noticed that many of the basement floor 7's native occupants looked like my friend just with different clothes and hairstyles.

I eventually arrived at a barbershop within the building. Not sure which floor. The hairdresser was someone I've known since I was around 5 years old lol though we were never friends. She gave me a haircut and talked about the time I hit my head during my 5th bday party and had to go to the ER (this particular event never happened irl). Told her maybe all the head trauma I've had growing up gave me CTE. This comment of mine made her look uncomfortable so I changed topics.

Idk why but some of the building's native occupants got real angry when they spotted us behind the locked glass door. They were attempting to break in. A secret door at the back of the barbershop opened and someone else I knew irl (i was also never friends with him) came out and told us to follow him.

So we arrived at this huge open hall. In the middle was a short staircase leading up to a door with a small window on its upper half. It required a pin to open and the guy knew the code. so we entered the room and hid below some desks.

That's all I remember.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
Current Events » What did you dream about last night CE?
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