are you a programmer, if so...

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Current Events » are you a programmer, if so...
what IDE do you use, and what font?

me? Visual Studio (hlsl, .shader, and also C#) and I use Comic Sans (which is also my font for web browsers) as my font
I thought this was a setup for an if then else loop.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
Visual Studio, M PLUS Code Latin
IntelliJ currently because I use Java exclusively for work.
Post #5 was unavailable or deleted.
BucketCat posted...
and I use Comic Sans

Fuck outta here
It depends.

When I have to work on classic asp I just use notepad++

If I have to write a query I use ssms. We're not allowed to run ad hoc queries from the software anyway so I have to put in a ticket with DBA to make a stored proc of the query.

Not really a programming language but I do a lot of development in redpoint data management.

I also use the power shell IDE for PS scripts. I don't bother with IDE for bash scripts I just type everything directly into the shell.

For everything else I use visual studio. I leave all the defaults on except for dark mode.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Mostly Visual Studio, never bothered looking at what font I'm using. Looks like 'Droid Sans Mono'.

I also use the basic ubuntu text editor if I'm just writing a quick bash or python script or maybe Notepad++.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
I always thought that Visual Studio had by far the best documentation system. If you ever cant figure how use/configure/edit an object/code/thing you just had to hit F1 while it was selected. Maybe it was F11; I cant recall.

And the documentation was deep and also linked you to the next thing you probably needed to do.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
BucketCat posted...
I use Comic Sans (which is also my font for web browsers) as my font
Ah yes, the real reason for this topic comes to light

Eclipse for Java and PyCharm for Python for me tho. PyCharm is really cumbersome on my school laptop so if anyone has any good lightweight IDE suggestions Im all ears
in a constant state of confusion
Visual Studio generally. I use the Delphi IDE when I'm writing Delphi code though (which is becoming increasingly rare).

Important context, I'm not a professional programmer or even properly taught, just someone who figured a lot of shit out and writes code for fun. My most notable project would be NeoLemmix.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
The company I work for uses a low-code development platform (originally developed as a fourth-generation programming language) so I have to use that
"Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did She die in vain?"
BucketCat posted...
I use Comic Sans (which is also my font for web browsers) as my font
Lol have you seen this?

Its a monospace variant of comic sans, designed for programming in mind
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Eclipse and Intellij/Webstorm. Whatever the default font is.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Current Events » are you a programmer, if so...