i hate fanart that makes conventionally unattractive characters hot

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Dungeater posted...
yeah thats right

i hate when it slims down fat characters

i hate when it curves out skinny characters

i hate when their warty hooknose is rhinoplasty'd away

i hate when they dont got the stink lines and everything

i dont run into this opinion much. most ppl seem just happy to have hot art. and honestly, im not about to tell artists what they can or cant draw, or that their work isnt valid. but it just feels so...disrespectful to the characters (but less severe than that sounds, since its all fiction anyway)

like man. part of the draw for this character is he's ugly. can you please keep him that way, i like him for who he is


I hate it when fanart takes a character not known for big boobs and gives them big boobs. Or even ones known for it but noticeably larger
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process