why the FUCK is Indian food so good

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LeoRavus posted...
I've never seen an Indian restaurant before. Maybe one day.
What part of the world do u live in? Maybe im taking it for granted but there's tons here (west coast US)

RetuenOfDevsman posted...
My guess is they just spawned where all the spices are. But yes, Indian food is DA BOMB.

BTW trying to follow an Indian recipe is pure madness. There will be like 15 ingredients and like 13 will be spices. And like 2 of them will be available at a typical grocery store.
I made chicken Tikka masala once that just called for a storebought garam masala spice mix. It was still very good but not like restaurant quality. I'm sure at restaurants they are grinding all that shit fresh daily, I don't have time for that lol
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