ITT: Post What You Enjoy About Youtube Premium

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Current Events » ITT: Post What You Enjoy About Youtube Premium
I like that it is hassle free and supports content creators at the same time.
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Youtube has be on another anti ad-blocking campaign, the shills are coming out of the woodwork.
THE Ohio State: 11-2 | Las Vegas Raiders: 8-9
I like that all of it's benefits are easily replicated for free by using ublock origins.
I enjoy that I don't pay for it and yet get everything I otherwise would by paying for it.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Don't use it. Found an ad blocker ap instead. So. I do enjoy that I don't pay for it. Thanks youtube :3
I like how it launched as "Youtube Red" and the jokes surrounding it
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Being able to listen to videos through my headphones while my iPhone is in my pocket.
Offline downloads and casting to a TV with no ads are 2 features I use everyday
How quaint.
I am begging you to find a better gimmick
STEROLIZER posted...
Being able to listen to videos through my headphones while my iPhone is in my pocket.

C_Pain posted...
Offline downloads and casting to a TV with no ads are 2 features I use everyday

People figured out how to do this with an ad blocker /sarcasm
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Yawn_Master2 posted...
People figured out how to do this with an ad blocker /sarcasm
Yes. Yes they did.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I would consider paying for premium if it fixed YouTube fucking horrible search and recommendations
CE Mafia Archive
Yawn_Master2 posted...
People figured out how to do this with an ad blocker /sarcasm
youtube revanced does this. PiP as well
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
Dungeater posted...
youtube revanced does this. PiP as well
Not when casting. I had vanced for a while, but when you put it on a TV it forced the regular youtube app.
How quaint.
I watch things on YouTube classic. I even survive the ads. Too lazy to worry about adblockers.
Why be stupid? Does it make you happy to be stupid?
I like that it's not mandatory for any of the parts or features of youtube I use.
Kill the legs first, that's an ironclad battle tactic!
I inly subscribe to Youtube and Peacock. I use it on console a lot so I need it ad free otherwise I am miserable. I use adblockers on Peacock, I only use it for WWE
Don't Stress, Become #Phresh
Laughing at the people who subscribe to it
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Laughing at the people who subscribe to it
Keep having to fight tooth and nail while not supporting creators at all. Knowing I can watch any video add free while supporting people makes it worth it to me because othereise I would be watching with ad block. Youtube is my my main service of television and the benefits they give are worth it to me. It's less than an hour of work
Don't Stress, Become #Phresh
AirFresh posted...
while supporting people
  • YouTube music
  • No ads on mobile
  • Being able to play stuff in the mini screen or with the screen off
  • Not having to deal with all the shit and hoops people go through to get that stuff without premium
  • Creators getting more from my view

Kai_Laguna posted...
I like that all of it's benefits are easily replicated for free by using ublock origins.

Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
No ads on my PS4

YouTube Music with no ads, so I don't have to pay for Spotify Premium either

Generally feels better knowing I'm on the up-and-up and I'm contributing to the success of my most-watched video platform.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
LeCh0nk posted...
Being able to play stuff with the screen off

Lol I remember when that feature was free and then they removed it and charged you for it.
If she said we partied, then I'm pretty sure we partied. I really don't remember. I remember we departed from our bodies.
AirFresh posted...
Keep having to fight tooth and nail while not supporting creators at all. Knowing I can watch any video add free while supporting people makes it worth it to me because othereise I would be watching with ad block. Youtube is my my main service of television and the benefits they give are worth it to me. It's less than an hour of work
Here we go. Ready?

There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Current Events » ITT: Post What You Enjoy About Youtube Premium