TIL Vermont has a state pie.

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K181 posted...
Also, an old Vermont "joke" about the term "Yankee" that is topical:

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

Hehe, Nice.

It does however, leave out the fact that, The Yankees as a Team, are Reviled in New England.

I say that as someone who has attened partys where I was basically the only Yankee fan.
It was actually kinda funny when it came up.

~Ya, I'm that far upstate NY, and not that far from Vermont at all.
Fun fact, it was fucking cold as shit last night...
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